Curious at the child’s strange reaction I reached out and took the offered rock “I’ll be damned” the chunk of ceiling weighed next to nothing. I bounded it once in my hand just to test it and couldn’t help but smile “Well, yes I guess that would count as lightening a burden wouldn’t it. Little more literal then I was expecting but hell.” After using my foot to clear away any of the butterflies on the moss below me I dropped the stone and let it fall to the ground. When the rock hit the ground without any crash or expected repercussion I couldn't help but chuckle quietly to myself.

Looking back to the child I grinned and pointed at the rock “Where did you learn to do that?” I pushed the rock about on the floor with the lightest of efforts. “That is some trick, and I was all set to call it quits.”

“Do you think you could do that to other things? I bet you’d be quite the popular one if you could.” I produced the dice once again from my pocket, and showed them to the child. “If you could make my Jerkin lighter” I pointed to my dark leather armor, and tugged at the shoulders lifting it up to demonstrate “I would give you my lucky dice in return.”