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  1. #1

    Knight Vanguard
    less than one year old
    Synthetic Warrior
    Eye Color
    Variable, normally blue
    6ft 300lbs


    Opening Note:

    Having only ever had a level 0 character I don’t know what the logical progression would be for such a larger jump in level. I also don’t know the names of the metals that would be available at this point. Below is my level zero profile with its original information intact. Changes to level 5 will be in blue for the purpose of easy comparison. Additional notes will be a the very end of the post.

    Active abilities must be activated while passive ones are always on.
    Code Name: Knight Vanguard (Nicknamed Kay)
    Age: 3 days and counting  1 year
    Race: Prototype Synthetic Warrior
    Eye color: Variable, blue is standard
    Height: 6’0
    Weight: 300lbs

    Personality: KV is an extremely intelligent construct built for war and capable of independent thought. That said, he is curious and inquisitive as any newborn, never having been given the order to become a war machine by his creators. He will rarely seek out conflict unless he deems it absolutely necessary and will always come to the defense of an unarmed or outnumbered individual if they are under attack. While he does deal with enemy targets harshly he is surprisingly gentle and good humored with everyone else given that he was born to be a killing machine.

    Appearance: A lean figure encased in bestial plate-mail armor, KV’s single eye is a glowing visor. Color and texture of his armor depends on its composition but it is currently black and very ornate with chrome at the joints. Tall and imposing he has clawed hands and fierce inhuman look.


    On the planet Cyrus the Cyrian Republic’s most prominent scientists spent years on a joint project for their system spanning nation’s military. The Knight project was to bind all of the most promising areas of military development and create a soldier unlike any that came before. But on the day the Prototype, code named Vanguard, was to undergo its final test a strike team from the rival Therin Federation attacked the facility in secret.

    The Cyrian Republic was home to the fastest ships in the galaxy, thanks to their breakthrough research with Gravitic Drives, allowing for the on demand creation of wormholes. Vanguard tested a heavily miniaturized version of the technology and entered the portal. Moments later a massive explosion roared though the building. The force of the blast prematurely collapsed one end of the portal and the resultant chaos within the wormhole sheared off Vanguard’s high grade armor like so much wool… Just before unceremoniously spitting him aflame across the night skies above Althanas.

    On Cyrus the facility was little more than blackened smoke and rubble. A generation of advanced research gone in a blinding flash and the fruits of that labor were lost to the stars. KV fell to the earth with nothing but a sonic boom to trumpet his coming, blasting a long impact crater into a green field light an ugly scar. Immediately after his rude meeting with the ground he shut down for emergency repairs.

    Equipment: Unlike other characters who may gain new weapons and abilities from outside sources KV essentially is his equipment. Though many of his systems are heavily damaged and will not function until he reaches higher levels.  Half of his equipment is operational.

    The following is a run down of what he has, what doesn’t work, and what does with a brief description of how…

    Fusion Drive Core (FDC) – A tiny star powers the bulk his systems, however his core is currently damaged rendering some of his abilities unusable. Repairs will be made gradually as level increases, unlocking offline abilities with progress.

    [b]Vision[b] – KV is capable of a wide range of vision modes, from X-ray to infrared, from macro to microscopic. These require more energy than his damaged core can currently provide them. Offline till higher levels.  Online. The following vision modes must be activated individually and there is a three second lag between switches. Active.

    Heat Vision – Allows him to see heat sources, unless hidden in a cold environment or through magical means. While using this he can be temporarily blinded by intense heat. (Visor color Red).

    X-ray Vision – Allows him to see objects through thin walls and see weapons/items hidden on a character. (Visor color white).

    Telescopic Vision – Allows KV to see things clearly at great distances, provided he has direct line of sight. Does not experience lag. (No specific color).

    Detection – From Radar to Sonar to Motion tracking, KV has an entire suite of detection abilities. Unfortunately these also require more energy than he can supply at level 0. Offline till higher levels.  Online

    Motion tracking – Within a five meter range he can sense fast moving objects larger than a house cat. Does not detect slow stealthy movement or small projectiles. Passive.

    Energy Shielding – Uses light energy and photons. Offline till higher levels.  Online Passive.

    Seen as a shimmering barrier the shield does not expressly block attacks. Instead it lowers the speed of a physical strike or the intensity of a magical one. Damage reduction -20%

    Re-composition Armor – KV can breakdown and absorb inorganic material at a molecular level for use as armor given sufficient time and enough of the material to cover his form. At level zero all he has easy access to is soil and rock, so he has absorbed enough from his immediate area to create hardened clay armor and claws. This armor is brittle and vulnerable to shattering by blunt impact from weapons such as hammers or maces. Apart from this weakness the armor affords protection comparable to cheap leather. Current generation armor is lattice reinforced dehlar. Reinforcement adds 20% strength but makes the armor nearly twice as heavy, incurring a heavy speed penalty in his stats. Dehlar also conducts electricity very well, making damage from lightning attacks far more severe.

    Atomic Indexing – KV can change any mineral (rocks, soil, etc.) into a form of armor he has worn previously for the sake of repairs. Details can be found in his Repair skill.

    Repair (healing) – On self - Once per battle KV can use this ability to rapidly heal from moderate damage. Healing drops his shields and disables his energy weapons for 30 seconds.

    On ally – While unable to heal organic wounds KV can still repair an ally’s equipment. Twice per battle he can repair someone else’s equipment. This drops his shields and disables his energy weapons for 10 seconds.

    Lattice Reinforcement – By properly arranging a metals atomic structure the material can be condensed and strengthened to a degree. Twice as much material is used resulting in twice the weight.

    • In order to upgrade to the next stage of armor KV will need an entire suit of iron (or the equivalent weight in iron) and one entire day to absorb it.
    • He can breakdown any material regardless of its strength but it is a slow meticulous process that can never be used in battle.
    • KV can never partially absorb new armor, he must have enough to cover his whole body, if he does not have enough he cannot even attempt to make the armor.
    • Certain parts of him, like the claws on his hands, can be made of material independent of his armor. i.e. He can have iron claws before he upgrades to iron armor. Claws are made of delhar.

    Energy Weaponry – Fires projectiles of light energy and photons. Offline till higher levels. Online.

    High intensity laser – A narrow crimson beam capable of piercing dehlar and all materials of lesser strength at a maximum range of 10 meters. The beam lasts for 1 second and can only be fired a maximum of 1 time per 4 posts to avoid overheating. Solid reflective surfaces such as mirrors can deflect the laser but will break or melt after a few hits. Exceptionally polished armors can reduce the damage received by as much as half, based on the opposing writer’s own discretion. Fabrics and other flammable material may be prone to catching fire on contact, again at writer’s discretion. Ice will melt on contact and cannot be used as a reflective surface.

    Cloaking Technology – Bends light around his body to render himself temporarily invisible. Offline till higher levels.

    Gravitic Drive – A secondary effect of the fusion reaction in his FDC is the ability to warp gravity in a small area. There are various applications for this technology both offensive and defensive, as well as the ability to create wormholes for travel like the one that took him to Althanas. The accident has left this system heavily damaged and without power from the FDC. Offline till higher levels.

    Combat Skills
    Or lack thereof…

    Armed Combat – KV was never meant to use melee weaponry and therefore has below average skill with any such weapon he wields. Novice level (or whichever is considered the lowest here).

    Ranged Combat – Similarly he was never meant to use ranged weapons beyond what was integrated with his systems. Novice level (or whichever is considered the lowest).

    Hand to Hand – KV has a knowledge of basic hand to hand self defense. Above Average. Now a Master of hand to hand combat.

    Targeting Accuracy – This is KV’s skill with his onboard ranged weaponry. He has reached the level of expert.

    Separate from the weaknesses or resistances of his armor (and later shielding) KV has base stats which will change as his level rises…An extra 5% for every level after 0 and 10% from energy shielding.

    Fire Resistance: -25% damage resistance to fire and high temperatures.  -60% damage resistance.
    Shock Weakness: +50% damage weakness to electricity.  +15% damage weakness plus an additional +40% (due to his armor's high electrical conductivity) = +55%.
    Water: No weakness or resistance.  -35% resistance
    Wind: No weakness or resistance.  -35% resistance
    Earth: No weakness or resistance.  -35% resistance

    KV’s physical abilities will gradually increase as his level rises and he absorbs higher quality material. All number stats are in reference to the power of an average human.There is an increase of .5 for every level after 2.

    Strength – 1.5x  3x
    Speed – 1x  2.5x – 1 from heavy armor weight = 1.5x
    Defense – 1.5x  3x
    Endurance – N/A. KV never needs to eat, sleep, or drink. A “rest” cycle is only required after receiving damage in order to make repairs.
    Intelligence – One of his only undamaged systems is his artificial brain. KV is far more intelligent than what the average human is capable of and his major strength is rapid problem solving and adaptation to dangerous situations.

    Last Approval Note
    You will notice that offline abilities are not heavily expanded upon, this is because he doesn’t have them now they are only a guide for how the character will grow in the future. As he gains levels I will flesh out each piece of equipment and each ability in turn. I will submit them for moderator approval and activate them only after I and the moderator in charge have reached an accord.
    Last edited by KnightVanguard; 12-20-08 at 11:10 AM.

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