Right, sorry if this's been answered before and all, but my half-hearted searching for the answer myself didn't turn it up and I thought it was easy enough to answer anyways. Heh... I'll try not to be so lazy in the future.

Anyway, the question is whether or not characters have to have a humanoid shape. Like, two legs, two arms, are more often than not bipedal and general don't have a tail, although that is apparently debatable. Or, is it okay if they just have a level of intelligence that comes approximately to the same average as that of most humans?

I'm asking because of the three charries I'm trying to decide between, two of them don't have the natural form of a human. They think a bit like humans, bt they aren't... So I was wondering if that would make my decision for me. lol

And, because I'm still being lazy... What, generally, are you looking for from the characters of this forum? Someone like, ummm..., okay, forget examples... Are you looking for those characters who tend to be the adventuresome type, good at fighting, brawling, being overall awesome and magical, or are you looking more for any charrie who can be changed and who would, hopefully, grow throughout the course of rping him/her?

And... Are gods allowed? (When limits apply and they couldn't godemode anyway?) Haven't gotten to anythign that talks about religions yet, so I wasn't sure if there were gods and such... My research is not yet complete! *Wanders of to continue it and the post am being distracted from...*
