(Was going to do this after christmas, but I just noticed the deadline. I have no partner yet, but here's hoping)

(Updates in Red, and level 1 profile found Here)

Name: Edward Judorne
Race: Half-elf
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 148 Lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green

Appearance: 5'2", 148 Lbs, a little skinny, White skin, long black hair, green eyes, fancy clothing, and a black cape.

Personality: Serious, yet at the same time, calm and mysterious. He is almost emotionless at times. Edward likes to outwits his foes and is almost never without a plan.

Weapons: His trusty Damascus Rapier, in a Damascus tipped Leather Scabbard and his mind, and a Delyn-Steel Rapier, and his mind. (he fights with strategy instead of strength)

Armor: Damascus Chain Mail that covers his chest, and a cape with an inlay of a foot by 2 foot Delyn Chain.
Skills: Electrical Missile, Lights out, tempest tantrum, Shock Beam and swordplay

(Items in green were gained since my last profile and can be found here)

His favorite attack is his electrical missile, a magic missile attack that uses the power of electricity to attack long distance at a single target. He can use it 5 times per battle before he is drained. It is a powerful attack that he loves to use when short distance attacks won't do. He has learned to curve this attack up to 30 degrees as well, making it difficult to dodge. It also is quite speedy, but he can tone it down if he needs to in order to electrify his weapons, which he loves to do.

Though he has other electrical attacks that are more powerful, he gets drained and becomes nearly helpless when he uses them.

One of these amazing attacks is tempest tantrum. a powerful move that sends a pure electric field out in all directions for 2 yards when used at full strength. Edward used to have trouble standing after using this move, but it has become a mainstay move of his, and now he can use it without feeling too much exhaustion. Still, he tries to keep the uses down to 1 or 2 per battle, just to be on the safe side.

Another move is lights out. It disrupts any electronics in the Room causing them to malfunction for 1 hour. he was barely able to walk after he used it last, though. The worst it could do to someone non-machine is give them a static shock. Nothing has changed here because he has yet to use this move, hence no practice.

Another move he likes to use is his Shock Beam.

Shock beam: half the size, speed, and strength of an electric missle, the only thing this spell has going for it is it's ability to maintain a steady stream of electricity for 10 seconds,
Can be used only once every day.

Finally, Edward has started to work on Shocking grasp.

Shocking Grasp: Taking a ton of electricity into his hands, Edward can send an extremely strong jolt to anyone unfortunate enough to be within range, the down side is that the range is extremely close. He has to touch the person for it to work.

His Rapier skill is just above average.

History: Edward is the prince of Sirvano, a remote town that hides great peril. Both underneath it's soil and in it's vaults are artifacts that if in the wrong hands, could cause utter chaos. Because of this, he is always on the move, trying to stop anyone from using them. He has been known to train against machines when he has been really bored, but that hasn't happened recently. He also likes to test the limits of his magical abilities when he has the time.

Edward Judorne specializes in electric attacks. he trains with his daily and is usually found trying to create new uses for his electrical attacks.

When he is not saving the world or training, he is increasing his knowledge of the artifacts hidden in his town.

He usually fights alongside others, but can, when needed, go solo.

Out of Character:
Some of this can only be found on the old Tanthanas

Edward has had to retrieve a lot of stolen artifacts from the hands of evil so far. he has fought among many strong warriors, but one sticks in his mind the most. A man who helped him every time he had to take back an artifact and a man he looks up to. This warrior is one of the few that even know Sirvano exists. This warrior's name is Zephyriah, and right now, do to some recent events, Edward doesn't know where the strong man is, or if he is even alive.

Edward broke his Iron rapier while adventuring at one point and was forced to purchase a new Damascus Rapier, he is looking into a sheath for it at the moment.

Edward has been keeping busy and has strayed from protecting the artifacts on his island a bit to help out with other worldly matters. Of course, this puts a lot of stress on him, and though he hasn't cracked under pressure yet, that time may come soon.

(Saw no reason to change the history, plus I'm on a tight schedule, so, no change there.)