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Thread: Character Registration: Qaron

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    Qaron's Avatar

    Hair Color
    Dark brown.
    Eye Color
    Pure white. No iris', no pupils, nothing.
    6'1", 79kgs

    Character Registration: Qaron

    Hello everyone, I'm Gideon/Qaron, another denizen of RPGFO. I do a lot of writing, but my preferred genres are horror, fantasy, the supernatural and eroticism. I've been in many fighting tournaments (on and offline) and I'm certainly looking forward to flexing my proverbials in this one.


    Name: Qaron.
    Age: 2,489.
    Sex: Female.
    Height: 6’2”.
    Weight: 79kgs.
    Hair Colour: Dark brown, turning a silvery-grey. The tips of her hair are pure white.
    Eye Colour: White.
    Occupation: None.
    Personality: Cold, intelligent, cruel, calculating, yet strangely loyal and affectionate once you get past all of the barriers she has put up.
    Appearance: Qaron is tall, well toned and has a soft olive complexion. Her body is littered with a multitude of scars. To list all of them would be such a hefty task. The most noticeable of the scarring though, is that which is around her eyes. She has fifteen scars spread across both of her eyes, and it is her eyes that are probably her most identifying feature: they are pure white. No iris, no pupils, just pure white. She has a series of tattoos down the right side of her neck, starting just under her ear and stopping at her shoulder. The tattoos are small symbols, hieroglyphs of a strange language, and there are nine rows of them; the big central one right under her ear, and four on either side. The same strange symbols sit in three rows on her forearms, starting just below the crease in her elbow. All three sets say something different. Her apparel is almost always the same; a pair of leather pants, either black or brown, a black pair of boots, a large brown belt with a big silver buckle, the belt being decorated with different species teeth and bones, a white singlet and a brown leather jacket. She will occasionally wear a blindfold to cover the glow of her eyes.

    - A set of 10 throwing stilettos. (Strong as Damascus)- A traditional flyssa, which she carries, but rarely uses.

    Armour: She doesn’t wear armour.

    Skills and Abilities:

    - Above average handling of blades.
    - Above average flexibility/agility.

    - Powerful telekinetic, though extensive use of this tires her, so she limits her use to things less then 1000kgs. The heavier the object is, the more it tires her.
    - Average Telepath. She is learning to control this ability, and so she cannot focus it at the moment, nor read peoples thoughts directly, but she can clearly read their feelings/emotions. She can also tell when they’re lying.

    Race Traits:
    Qaron is a Lycanthrope with a rather unique series of ‘upgrades’. Due to human experimentation over many centuries, Qaron is able to use 100% of her brain, while the general believed standard of sentient beings brain activity is only 10 – 13%. This allows her to unlock many character traits within herself that the rest of her species could do, if they too could use more of their brain power.
    - Controlled shape shifting between human and Lycan form (I choose to use the bipedal wolf-man hybrid form). This means she does not need to wait for the full moon (though she is still forced into her form on the full moon anyway), and she can change selected parts of herself at any given time.
    - Superior strength (2x strength capabilities of humans)
    - Superior speed (2x speed capabilities of humans)
    - Heightened senses (2x sense capabilities of humans, excepting sense of smell, which is 4x)
    - Accelerated healing. She can even heal a bullet wound to the head, unless it is a silver shot. Her body will still try to heal it, but its chances of succeeding are slim.
    While silver is poison to her, she can heal from it, though very slowly, unless silver nitrate injects into her blood stream, or, as stated above, she is shot in the head with a silver shot. She is afraid of fire, and heights. She hates guns and is not quite afraid of whips, but she reacts very badly to them. She is very strong, though she can be killed quite easily via decapitation or removing the heart. A shot through the heart won’t do it; the entire heart needs to be removed. If she is shot in the head or the heart, she cannot function very well while she heals. She is incredibly weak, her co-ordination is shot, and she's very vulnerable and has no control over her abilities. (Heals over 1 - 4 posts, depending on the injury. Lethal injuries take generally 2 - 4 posts to heal.)

    History: Qaron has a lot of veiled memories about her past. When she was younger she was captured by humans and they spent several centuries experimenting on her. The most successful experiments were a series of injections straight into her eyes to enhance her brain activity. With her enhanced brain power, they hoped to be able to duplicate that gene in humans, and also to try and replicate the ‘immortality’ gene in her species. They eventually decided that she would make a useful guard dog, but on her first ‘mission’, she went wild, killed her team and escaped. She eventually destroyed the facility that had been her prison for so long. She has enjoyed a few torrid love affairs, but they have rarely lasted any real length of time, no more than a decade or two. She has few good friends, and spends most of her time by herself. For the right price she is happy to ‘help you out of your problems’, which usually involve death and a hefty amount of money.

    Qaron in a nutshell. A very, very basic nutshell. Like Kalar and some of the others from RPGFO, not used to having to level my character, so I hope I've done ok, but just let me know if/when things need changing.
    Last edited by Qaron; 12-28-08 at 07:18 PM.

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