*** For general purposes we will use the pronoun 'he' to identify Wyren. It is simply easier that way. ***

Name: Wyren Nikolan Trystin

Age: 18, Almost 19 Human cycles

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125 lbs

Gender: Either. Wyren has the ability to switch genders at will, and does so fluently

Eye Color: Neon Ice-Blue

Hair Color: Blue-Black

Skin Color: Snow-White

Languages: Fluent in English and French, French being the native tongue.

Occupation: None really. Wyren wanders from place to place throughout the worlds doing what he wishes, generally staying away from others.

Appearance: Almost childlike and rather feminine in body and posture, with a sweet voice to match the visual representation, Wyren's appearance is very deceiving as in reality he switches genders, and is tough or gentle based upon it. It is not categorized based on gender for Wyren was technically born with both, and is therefore not limited to the stereotypes that general civilization label with the current cultures.
His attire consists of clothing, which - more often than not, confuses the people he meets, with the exception of his friends. Being non too picky about his clothing he generally sticks to the basics: long pants, long-sleeved shirts. All generally dark hues - shirt is a dark blue, covering him from collar to mid-thigh, to over the tips of his fingers in soft, yet hard to tear fabric. His pants are..strange; lengthy to near extreme as they covered his feet completely as well as holding the ability to hold massive amounts of objects due to the numerous hidden pockets throughout the cloth. Most of these pockets hold nothing most of the time, however, aside from random bits of objects that he has found throughout his travels. Being raised in forest land causes less need for shoes that one might think, however in this case he is out of his home, A large hooded jacket, black in color with several inside pockets as well as more lengthy sleeves. He also had stolen a pair of black steel-enforced boot like sneakers. The build of such making it rather hard for even a two inch nail to pierce through the soles. A few randomized rings, earrings, bracelets and a pendant or two decorated the rest of his form. A normal human looking creature.. right?

Personality: You only need one word to truly describe Wyren's personality and that is Spazzy. He acts as if he is nothing at all, yet both at the same time. Carrying traits of both male and female even in speech and movements, Wyren will laugh one second and be impassive the next. Generally very gentle in nature, with no urge nor impulse to attack or destroy let alone harm any being that comes into his path. He has been forced to learn how to control his emotions as if he was removing masks. One mask for every smile, scowl, or bit of laughter. On occasions it is real, other times it is nothing but an act. Wyren is somewhat unusual for numerous reasons, however, this is his largest quirk- He craves touch to stay on balance. Touch of any kind as long as it is not meant to harm. Hugs, kissing, handshakes, anything. Whomever he is with, you will most likely find him cuddling with as much skin contact as he can manage. Taking into account, of course, the others public caring level. So, no. He will not strip and molest someone in the middle of nowhere. Sorry everyone, it is more of a simple need for basic comfort rather than anything else. Otherwise he wears everything on his sleeve and has no qualms with telling someone that he thinks they look ridiculous to people in capes or anything else. A joker with masks and a gentle streak. What fun, plus take into account that he prefers french over English, chaos in different languages. Hurrah!

History: Wyren was born numerous years ago in the depths of a forest called Nata'aan, on a world named Garrion. Garrion was a very dense planet, the forests ranging for thousands of miles at a time, intricate vine covered pathways and shrub surrounded clearings kissing the ever-growing forest. Being raised around the entirely of the world, traveling from place to place caused him to take in the elements of the strange world he had been birthed into. His parents were.. well.. Nonexistent to speak of. He has no memory of either of them, his birth parents anyway. We can say this, for, as he traveled from place to place different people and creatures adopted him for times as their own child. He grew up this way, surrounded by the love of dozens of people and beings that he grew to call his family. In his seventh or so human-count year, he was captured by outside Plane Riders from a different sect of the external systems of planets surrounding Wyren's home. Simply put, aliens showed up and kidnapped him to be a slave or pet to whom ever he was sold to. After several trials and tests, he was deemed fit to be sold, however that time never happened. One of the kidnappers had made the mistake of getting Wyren scared at the age of Seven and a half, and as we all know how scared small children can get. Wyren made his first summon of Didre, his sadness and terror creature. Long story short, he escaped that night without much harm but now there was a problem. He was now trapped on some unknown world, surrounded by unknown people and unknown cultures and languages. He rapidly learned to pick up words and from there, learned French, also taking the years and years of curiosity and patience to near-perfect his new found skills. The night so many years back was the cause of Didre, his first summon, he gained three more as time passed- Folie, who was his sadness and trickster. Miroir, who was his happiness and purity. And finally, Ténèbres, his darkness, pain, and lust for destruction. More time passes, and now here he is.

Equipment List and definitions: Along Wyren's body you will find numerous both strange, and pointless, objects of sheer randomness as well as some for his own personal sense of style.. whatever part of style he even has. He carries with him several bracelets which he wears on both wrists. Several rings decorated his fingers, about nine or so in all. All of these things carried nothing to his powers nor magic nor secret ability. Simply fashion with several touches of sentimental value. One object, however, changes this pattern- The object being a black choker created from wire strung with beads and coiled around his throat several times, creating layers, and not revealing a type of clasp of any kind. A single white jewel about the size of a quarter, only a few millimeters thick, dangling from the front of the black beaded choker. This choker was unique in the fact that it held memories, thoughts that were filled with such strong emotions that Wyren moved them and kept them elsewhere to prevent disasters. Aside from holding memories, the Choker does nothing. Along his cloth covered arms there rest at least two dozen small and light throwing knives of various sizes. Small enough to not be noticed under his general baggy clothing and light enough not to cause too many problems. Let's not forget the several small metal ball-studs that decorated up and down both of his ears. Other than those, he also carried another object. This one was as modern as possible, an 180 gig iPod that was hidden on his form, the wires of the headphones hidden under his clothing with his mid-shoulder blade length hair hiding the black headphones. The actual machine was located in an inside pocket of his hooded jacket. Wonderful for drowning out thoughts and memories, as well as cooling down emotions when needed. It is generally just for background noise.

Definitions of Abilities: Here is the fun part. Wyren is quite skilled in randomized hand-to-hand combat, true, but his true abilities lie in his emotions. Depending upon what emotion is triggered, a creature appears to fight along side him. This is not only true for battle, however. Whenever a strong emotion is present within Wyren he will most likely summon one unintentionally. The creatures will stay as long as Wyren feels the emotion and if he even allows for them to stay. However, if the emotion breathes too strong, Wyren will be unable to cause the creature to fade and will instead simply have to wait until he calms down and goes indifferent once more. There are only four creatures and they read as follows: Didre, Folie, Miroir, and Ténèbres. Didre is triggered by fear, terror or the like-

Didre: First imagine a rather large phoenix that could probably topple over a full grown war-horse. Now turn the colors from shades of red, yellow, orange, and white to dark blues, greys, blacks, and misty whites edges with any combination of the other colors. Then add a cloud of dense mist that constantly surrounds and leaks off of Didre that is generally charged with electricity and can blind anyone who gets too close, or zap them into a happy-go-lucky twitching coma. Being a phoenix, Didre does in fact, give off the same stereotypical flames that any other phoenix would. He can start fires by emitting immense bursts of electrical discharge, and gain limited control of its general direction. This is not Didre's base element, however, and therefore, the scope for using this ability is somewhat limited; a byproduct that relies on Wyren's emotions to sustain itself. For a final fun fact about Didre, He, like the other summons. While they depend upon the emotion they are birthed from to sustain themselves they also generate the emotions they are made of in massive waves around themselves. They tend to feed it back into Wyren and help him constantly maintain the emotion. Handy, no?

Folie: Time to play "Imagine this" again. Start off with a woman, relatively harmless looking. Maybe about.. hmm.. mid twenties? Long red hair, sweet face, pale skin, cats green eyes. Now, time to make it realistic- Grow her nails longer, about three inches per nail. Make them metal, damn near unbreakable and sharp as hell. Make her bones stronger, more flexible. Turn teeth to fangs and make her nude. Hand her a pair of draconian wings with a leathery texture, that feeding into the pores of her shoulder-blades. Take her spine, slice it down the middle, attach it to her ass, and viola! you have a tail. Superglue a thick doubled-bladed scythe. Hand her a pair of wickedly curving horns and attach them to the sides/top of her head so that they curl at her temples and end up at sharp points going a few inches past her face. Add on a few dark-red markings along her body with some magical paint. Give her the voice of a siren that can lure men to their deaths, with sweetness and soft cries or emit a scream that can shatter glass and windows, deafening everything within a thirty-foot radius. Viola, you have Folie: the mischievous and gloomy member of the group . She loves slicing up anything she can with her wicked claws, and her odd habit of using the wind itself to attack or defend for Wyren. Don't make her cry, else she may do something nasty that you won't like very much.

Miroir: Round three of the wondrous game. I wonder what will come out next? Is it a bird? A plane? Superman?!? Hell no. A guy wearing external red-underwear and a suit made of spandex would probably be a hell of a lot less annoying and disturbing than what Wyren's little fun emotions can produce. Let's take a cautious look at the third card in the group, Miroir: The happiest most hyper active fucker you will ever meet, Miroir is purity, hyperness, happiness, innocence and just.. sheer sugar ignited with speed and alcohol with some acid and crack added into the mix. Doesn't it sound wonderful? On occasion the overdose of happiness in the surroundings is good, it causes a somewhat euphoric effect. You know that feeling, right? The one where you are five and opening your bestest gift from Santa ever? The fast heart beats, the shallow quick breaths, the dilated pupils, the sheer impulse.. yet the destructive power of someone who is that hyperactive has great possibilities. Imagination time! And this one is a toughie. Imagine a fluffy tiger cub. Make it twenty times its normal size, and make it playful as hell. Now, here is the semi-complicated part: On the insides of the tiger, there should be only be organs and bones and muscles and poo, but, unlike normal tigers, this one is filled with children! Beatific toddlers who thrust their way through the tiger cub's flesh and out its orifices, such that where an anus should be, one sees a blinking eye; likewise, where a blinking eye should be, one sees a wiggling finger poking through the socket. Each child emits a different type of gas, relative to the cub's level of excitement. They giggle, like the innocent children they truly are, or at least, innocent in Wyren's eyes.

The gases are as follows:

Cyanide Gas: A highly toxic compound, that is designed to suffocate its victims in a matter of minutes.

Mustard Gas: Another highly toxic compound, that literally erodes away at the lungs, turning into mush which the victims soon begins to cough up.

Laughing Gas: Ever watch Batman? Should be obvious what this gas is for, but in case you didn't know, it makes the victims laugh hysterically.

Hallucinogenic Gas: This gas will make you see things that aren't really there, confuse, and possibly disorient. (Note: This will be left open to the opponents, as to just what type of hallucinations they undergo.)

Chloroform: A gas designed to put those who breathe it in, straight to sleep, though far more effective, when inhaling the substance from a rag, or up close, naturally making this gas take longer than normal for the effects to settle in.

Other than those fun facts about gasses! Miroir is a large fuzzy tiger cub with large golden-yellow eyes that seem to glow constantly, a tail that does not know when to stop twitching and a generally happy disposition. But careful, he likes to bite.

Ténèbres: Last but certainly not least we do the dance of darkness. More guess-me games. This one, however is darkness, pain, and all around chaos as well as a heavy love- no, lust for destruction. We meet Ténèbres. Normally that would mean.. one of a few things: A massive creature with tentacles, a massive creature of goo. Some other type of massive creature ranging from a to z in differences. Point is, massive creature that will most likely rape you. Ténèbres is far from massive, although the creature rein is a bit odd upon him, it fits to a point and no, no rape intentions...often. Jeopardy time: What is 6'11", 200 lbs of hard, yet flexible as fuck muscle, dense as hell bones and all kinds of scary thoughts that would make even the monster in your closet piss itself in terror? Answer: Ténèbres. That is the roughest picture? Then add on a few more things. If he smiles, you will see nothing but dozens of sharp teeth that would love to simply rip the very flesh off of yours, or any one's, bones. A pale narrow face seems to rise from the dark curtain of his hair, the purest black that doesn’t even seem human. If you’re lucky, he’ll be smiling. If you do manage to see that creepy as hell smile across that deep purple mouth of his, try not to be scared out of your wits. It’s a good sign, just like when his eyes are normal sized and seem to be laughing with their wolf-grey iris’ sparking like a damned Christmas light. However, if his eyes seem to be cold and his mouth is not so smile-filled and is instead grinning with all those pointy teeth showing in plain view, then it is time to be fully terrified. White fingers that appear to have an extra joint will bring about nasty surprises as well as the shadows that seem to constantly swallow his form and ripple him to one part or another. His clothing, however is another semi-complicated case. You understand he is pale as hell. You should also understand that his lips are a deep purple and he has dark purple-black almost mascara-like markings around his eyes that, after circling his eyes, spread out from the corners of his eyes and down his cheeks, almost in a lightning fused spiderweb fashion. Now, for his ever-so-complicated clothing. You understand his body type, correct? Well muscled but lean. Obvious male. He represents a type of jester almost. So now we are forced to take a look at the jesters usual clothing. Sorry girls, no tights or elf-shoes with bells and overly silly hats. http://media.photobucket.com/image/d...rtal.jpg?o=542 Take that neck piece, Extend the front spike upon his chest and drag it down a bit more. Add on a bit more cloth to the front to cover more of his upper-chest and cut it off just below the ribcage. Now take the center spike going down the front, cross it with another strap that circles his lower chest and attaches to the back-center strap. Now, if your brain did not just explode, we can move on. Sleek black pants that overlap the tops of sturdy cloth boots continue the effect. Give him some long sleeved gloves with missing fingers and viola. Insta-goth-jester-clown-thing. To further be a smart ass, yeah, he does have a hat with two spikes that hang down behind him, but his hair is an unruly spiky mess that goes down to his shoulder blades, so hey, it works. Laziness time: His skills should be obvious, and if they are not by now, shoot yourself. Yeah, he does control the shadows. He maintains the ability to manipulate the darkness as well as fear within peoples hearts and minds to control them and bend them to his twisted will. All the while smiling like a moron and probably humming jingle bells. Wicked fast reflexes in close hand-to-hand combat as well as acrobatic skills a gymnast would kill for, Ténèbres can be a dangerous opponent if you have no where to run to, especially if you asked him what his fingers can do.. Or what he likes to eat.

That about wraps it up for Wyren's summon buddies. But a note of information: Once Wyren summons one, if he runs out of that emotion, he needs to "Recharge" it so to speak. It's as if he has a battery for each emotion and when one is out, it usually stays out till the battery dies, then cannot come out again till it recharges. Yes, it is so complicated. Also note that the more "Batteries" he uses, the weaker the other emotions can get and the shorter they may last, depending upon how long he can manage to hold/concentrait upon the emotions.

Team: Reflux
Partner: Thomas Balvice