
The Whole Glory


Hvastillitr Svartgr*ma

Honuse Relaiyent


Out of Character:
Bunnied Hvastillitr putting a hand on Honuse's arm, used with permission.

Far beyond the seemingly infinite nothingness, a bastion of life, crossroads to the universe, sat flourishing in the abyss. Untold multitudes of people, of all forms and species, even beyond the vast knowledge of the Lawmaker, went about their business, in preparation for the events to come. It was here that Thor, lord of warfare to the northern people, had commanded his servants to the Whole Glory, the reaping of worthy souls unto the great halls of Valhalla.

Honuse Relaiyent, his exceedingly tall and muscled bulk encased within thick leather armor, sporting an assortment of blades about him - most notably a pair of short blades protruding from the top of each arm - strode through the cobblestone paths of the city. In his mind, the smoke-filled expanse of his gaze allowed him to perceive all that was around him, when he had not the eyes to see. The man, though human in name only, was the Elect of the Gods, and did not care to suffer through the trivialities of a tournament to slay the worthy few to be found here. For it was with the barest trace of a smile visible from under his executioner’s mask, that he pulled a pair of short swords, one from each calf, and turned to attack the nearest armed passerby.

However, his companion in this endeavor, a dvergr of the name Hvastillitr, did not seem to share the enthusiasm for random slayings that the Lawmaker did. He laid a cautious hand upon the giant, an unspoken warning that they had been tasked to journey together, bound by purpose at the will of the gods. Turning to the dwarf, Honuse Relaiyent shrugged off the touch, bringing himself nose to nose with the one he saw as an unnecessary weight to bear, despite having a firsthand knowledge of the being’s martial prowess, having defeated him in single combat at the behest of his lord.

“Your presence upon this day is a punishment for your crimes, payment for your wretched misdeeds. Though no such honor was placed upon my shoulders to command you, it is indeed my purpose to lead in this glorious task. You would do well to not hinder me.”

Yet the dwarf said nothing, leaving his open defiance the only testament needed of his unwillingness to relent on this matter. With the hint of an internal sigh, the Lawmaker nodded slowly, saying, “Very well. Best me with steel alone, and your qualms will be justified in my eyes.”

Offering no formality or pause, Honuse Relaiyent struck, flashing his blades in a roundabout pattern, striking at the sides to limit the potential counterattacks his companion could offer.