Out of Character:
This is a closed RP between The Writing Writer, Ksarh, and me. Here's hoping that I'm doing everything correctly with this first post.

"So, you want me to find your little girl."

Zyx leaned back in his seat, across from him sat a married couple torn over the loss of their daughter. The spiky haired half-demon sighed and looked over the room. Beyond his table lied the rest of the Drunken Dragon, one of the many taverns in Radasanth. It was still early in the day, so few, aside from a few drunkards, had come to fill their bellies with ale. Zyx, however, had come for a different reason than a drink. The Drunken Dragon had become his base-of-operations, and he would spend most of his days in the tavern waiting for a client. It was only recently that Zyx came to Radasanth, and he found it quite a pleasant place. The sheer diversity of the place made him feel confidant that none would mind his hellish heritage, and he strode across town proudly flaunting his fanged teeth, his hood resting against his black clock instead of atop his black hair.

The mercenary sighed. Usually he considered himself above running around looking for something lost, whether it was a family heirloom or something as precious as a child. Zyx much preferred to do his work with his swords, but this couple was willing to pay quite a bit for their daughter's safe return, and Zyx could not refuse a pouch filled to the top with coins. He leaned forward and looked at his clients.

"Alright, I'll find your da-"

Zyx was cut off by a tapping on the window. He turned to see where the disturbance had come from and saw his little demon familiar, Kmoidryrk, tapping on the glass with a black little claw. Kmoidryrk was not allowed in the tavern, on account of his tendency to sneak into the cellar and come flying out in a drunken fury. The shadowy little imp was motioning excitedly to a crowd of people gathering outside the tavern, in the center of the throng Zyx noticed what looked like a tiny puddle of blood, and that was enough to catch his interest.

Zyx stood from the table and began striding outside. The couple spun in their seats, "Wait! What about our daughter?!" they shouted in worry. Zyx continued, disregarding their concerns, "It looks like I have better things to do." He replied before stepping outside into the cool morning air.

Kmoidryrk approached his master and guided him to the crowd. Zyx pushed his way past the excited townsfolk and shoved himself into the center. Inside, Zyx found the object of everyone's attention was a beaten and bruised young man. The man was outfitted in armor and a spear, though it appeared they did him no good. Fresh wounds bled onto the road, and the man was so weak he was relying of a study piece of wood to keep him off the ground. The young man was apparently enlightening the crowd to why he was in such a pitiful state. Zyx listened half-heatedly, but when the word 'giant' came up, the conversation reached a new level of interesting.

"Tell me, boy." Zyx said, abruptly cutting the warrior off. He turned to look and Zyx and replied, his breath was ragged and slow.

"What is it you want, friend?"

"This giant, where can I find it?"

The warrior was stunned, and replied in a low, confused voice, "You...you don't want to fight this beast, do you?" He uttered.

"Indeed, it shouldn't be too much of a fight. I figure if you got out alive then it can't be too strong a giant." Zyx smirked. The crowd, however, did not find Zyx's comment so amusing. One man pushed through the crowd and stared angrily at Zyx.

"That's my mate Darren, and you dare mock him?! You think you're so mighty, I'll put you in your place!" The angry man charged at Zyx and threw a rage driven punch at his face. Zyx chuckled and stepped to the side, the man's fist striking only the air. Zyx lifted up his leg and shoved the man back into the crowd with his foot. The man grunted and stumbled back into the crowd, knocking over a few people in the process.

"Bastard!" The man moved to get up and make a second attack, but Darren was quick to prevent anymore violence.

"That's enough, Berret, let the giant take care of him." Darren said coldly as he reached inside his trousers, producing a crumpled up piece of parchment, slightly stained with blood. Zyx took the piece of paper and straightened it out, though it was stained with blood and wrinkled, it was clear that this was a wanted poster. On the top of the page the name 'Giant' was scrawled out, and a rough sketch of the beast was drawn below it. Zyx wasn't interested in names and pictures, though, he was looking for a reward.

"Ohhoho, looks like whoever posted this bill is willing to pay its weight in gold. Not a bad profit, I'd think." Zyx's eyes scanned the page for more information. Apparently the giant had made its home inside the Jagged Mountains, a mountain range north of Radasanth. Having learned what he needed to learn, Zyx stuffed the paper into his pocket and began to walk off, the Jagged mountains his destination. However, a slight tug at his coat caused him to stop and turn. He saw that it was an old woman who had stopped him, her wrinkled old face was one of concern and fear, Zyx recognized her as a client he had several days ago.

"Please, sir, I know you're determined to fight this beast, but hear me out. These townsfolk know well of Darren's strength, he would be no push-over, not even for you, and I've seen your power with my own eyes. I ask that you take some companions with you, surely you won't have any objection to an old woman's wish?"

Zyx pondered her words for a moment, and found a bit of wisdom in them, "Very well." Zyx looked over the crowd, surely some of them were decent warriors. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

"Anyone who thinks they are more than a match for a giant and would like to earn themselves a large sum of gold and glory, come forth! All I ask is that you don't slow me down!"