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Thread: Your unusual talents/hobbies

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  1. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Caden Law View Post
    Thought experiments on nightmare scenarios.

    I am probably the best prepared in this thread to deal with anything from a hostage scenario to a zombie apocalypse
    I'll argue that. I've planned everything from a home invasion to civil war, to foreign invasion, to aforementioned zombie apocalypse, and am at least partially prepared(if only in armament) for all eventualities.

    That being said, I have a near encyclopedic knowledge of the band Metallica, from their first members, to an almost perfect ability to recite their track listing in order, from Kill 'em All to Re-Load.

    I also have a fair knife collection, several swords, a very nice Traditions muzzleloader(a Pursuit for those of you who care, or know what I'm even talking about). I hunt, but do not fish. I have a varied and near encyclopedic knowledge of many basic firearms. I can tell you how to figure the gauge of a shotgun, and what gauge actually means(I was surprised my father in law didn't know that last one).

    I'm also, I think, a fairly mediocre writer. I play a mean Tuba, and a middling Bass. Lemmy I am not. I have never taken a course in philosophy, and yet can hold my own in a discussion.

    I can burn anything given enough time and materials(this includes NOMEX and Asbestos).

    I scored a 98 on the ASVAB.
    Last edited by Miehm; 01-28-09 at 12:53 AM.
    I'm not afraid of loving my enemies. Turning the other cheek. Blessing those that would curse me. I honestly want peace with you. But when you come against my country. When you come against my family, You try to destroy my people. I can't just stand by. There's no way that I can stand by. This time, I will not stand by.
    I am coming, and if I come, then pain is coming with me.
    I'm coming, and pain will be with me.

    - Game On

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