I.... Am.... Insulted. Tch, Why on earth does Aiko make me choose between a good-post cookie and a potentially poisoned, mind-controlling cookie that smells like old shoes, while she just hands out good cookies to everyone in this thread? No fair! Well, still, I suppose it's okay, considering nobody eats them. Well, fyi, Aiko, if your cookies didn't wreak of dead rabbits, I'm sure you would have many more buyers at the bake sales.

And, ah, yes, the classic Twilight debate. All I have to say is that damn series ruined the name of Vampires and everything in the Occult! MY LITTLE PONY TWINKLES IN THE SUNLIGHT, NOT A FREAKIN VAMPIRE!!!! *angry huff*

..... Okay, I suppose I was overreacting, but there is no way that I am willing to admit that Edward is hot. For one, I have an uncle named Edward.... Which would make it kinda creepy if I thought so.
But the REAL reason is his nose. I mean, really. Am I alone on this thought? His nose just weirds me out, much more than Anglekosy ^^ (hope nobody minds that I totally pirated that nickname).

Well, now I feel stupid, heh. Here we are, greeting a lovely new member to our society, and i turn it into a rant on Twilight. For Shame.

*makes face* So, pardon my enjoyable suckage (according to Fotaidis), and WELCOME TO ALTHANAS!!!!! *wishes she was an admin so she could do cool stuff and not seem like such a poser while greeting people* I am Lucy the Vulpine, and I shall be your guide ^^ Please keep all limbs inside the site at all times, or they shall be forcefully removed. Okay, so that was a dirty lie, and I am probably the worst guide ever, considering I just joined the site a few days ago. Hahaha. Bleh.

Welp.... I suppose I have made a long enough post to keep you guys occupied while I put my evil scheme into action... *pushes foot stool in front of Killy, in attempt to trip her while nobody is looking*