The moogle walked into the citadel, determination upon his brow as he walked past the double cedar doors into his arena. The stage of battle was a simple four walled room with a single metal table and two wooden chairs. Upon the table was two glass cups and a single pitcher of water.

Duke was a moogle on a mission, a mission to prove his worth that he was the greatest Synthesizer in all of Althanas. Yet today wasn't about that. It was about proving them all wrong.

Behind the moogle was a harem of dolls, all arranged neatly into one row on the back wall of the arena. Tim, the smallest sheep like looking creature, was in front. He was Duke's best friend and followed him wherever he went offering his sage like wisdom. Next up was the little green guy, a cactus with legs and arms who shouted the word 'boi' a lot. And finally bringing up the rear was the creepy turtle guy, who wore dusty brown robes and carried a rusty knife.

Pouring water in one of the cups the moogle drank it, keeping one eye on the door.

"Today, I prove them all wrong..."