Hello everyone. Hence begins the discussion for our battle. Needless to say, I'm very excited to be battling against you guys, and that we have all made it to round 3. As fate and time would have it, it would be profitable to start now and go at a good pace until the end.

So, as luck would have it, I'm entering my Final's week, but rest easy. I've finished one, almost two, and have two remaining. So the only other distractions will be enjoying my last week at college, but I'll be good and ready to post as often as I need.

That being said, Jericho and I would like to begin this round, him posting and then myself, taking us to the battle grounds of the sewers. Jericho is already working on his, so if you have no objections, we will proceed.

That being said, I tend to like a somewhat loose posting order, subject to the flow of the battle. What are your opinions on that, and how would it be best to approach this issue.

Also, bunnying. I know a lot of people abhor it like the devil, but Jericho and I find that limited bunnying seems to work best. That is, communication between teams and opponents to be able to write a scene where some bunnying takes place so as to keep the pace going and not detract from the battle with short, choppy posts. Of course, any bunnies that may happen are completely subject to the bunnied character's writer, so approval is a must.

Lastly, what are you stances on editing after others have posted after you? When I say this, I do not mean context, but rather, being able to edit typos and punctuational issues and style after the fact. Changing content, however, I think should be prohibited. If you say a flood is sweeping through the pipes, for example, but then I don't write that in myself in my post, I would not be allowed to change it after someone else has posted.

Sorry that was so long winded, but I'll end with saying how eager I am to write with you! May the best team win!