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Thread: Legion of Light V: In the Shadow of Ancient Champions

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  1. #11
    EXP: 13,891, Level: 4
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next level: 109
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next level: 109
    Kryos's Avatar

    Hair Color
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    Crimson, Silver
    5' 11" / 158 lbs
    Wanderer, Soul Mage

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    Dawn came, and not a moment too soon. Just as the first rays of light filtered through the snow-topped trees and the red stained boughs, the gut-wrenching shriek pierced the frosted wood once more.

    Kryos’ eyelids flew open, revealing dull, gray eyes. Cursing the impeccable timing–when his vision was weakest–he pulled himself to his feet while brushing off a thin layer of snow from his hood and shoulders. Beside him, the others were getting ready to set out, so accustomed were they to packing up and moving at a moments notice. With a quick movement of his arm, he slung his weapon to its place on his back. He too, was ready.

    “Let’s go,” commanded Shalua. Her forest green cloak billowed as she ducked under the branches and into a foot of powder. Trailing in the snow at her side was her rapier, in hand and ready. “I’ll take point.”

    Blake nodded his assent and ushered Anne, dutifully followed by Alk, out from the protective branches. The golden retriever lunged through the snow after the Bladesinger before circling back to his master. Anne herself was still sleepy. She stumbled through the drifts after the elf, black cloak wrapped around her small form.

    “Don’t slack off, now,” Blake quipped at Kryos before following the trial of footprints. In his hands, twin short swords gleaming in the waxing light.

    The dwiilar rolled his eyes before following suit.

    They moved quickly through the snow. At least, as fast as they could. The forest was difficult to navigate, but every once in a while, another howl would sound from behind, urging them onward.

    It can’t be much farther to the Elleduin River, Kryos thought bleakly. [/i]We crossed the Escaldor five days ago! It has to be close.[/I]

    As his eyes finally became the sinister shade of the forest, he reached into his pack with cold fingers and snatched a handful of dried apples. It wouldn’t be well for them if he was not at full strength. With grim determination, he popped a couple into his mouth.


    “What is it now? What have you found?”

    The slobbering and snarling of rotted wolves answered the inquiry. The animals had fallen a long way from their once proud state. Their flesh hung off their bodies and in some places it was nonexistent. But their eyes were crazed. So long had they been under the dark powers of their master that they no longer had the will to fight for the freedom they had previously enjoyed. Red streaks ran across their sparse, black fur, and they quivered as their controller stood.

    “Hmmm. Interesting. Teehee!” The voice gave way to subdued chuckling. “Yes, this will be fun. I haven’t had a chance to test out my new toys.”

    The form in front of the hell-hounds stood. Yet even then his stature wasn’t impressive, as the necromancer had the body of a young teenager. Swathed in a black and mauve cloak and cast in the disorienting crimson light of the forest, he extended his arms towards his underlings, fingers erect. They twisted into complex patterns, and the undead animals yelped in pain before running off.

    “Tehehehe!” From beneath the hood, a smile flashed from a perfect, youthful mouth. “Go. Chase them down, and when the time is right . . .” The boy clenched his fist and erupted in hysterical laughter. His hands, fingers and arms pulled at the air, wrenching invisible lines.

    “Come, my friends. Let’s get ready to play.”
    Last edited by Kryos; 05-18-09 at 09:08 PM.
    -Level 4-

    The path of redemption requires both light and shadow.

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