
That's life I'm afraid. As soon as I hadn't heard back I suspected the worst and tried to get something up to compensate. But nine exams in three weeks doesn't leave any second to spare (the trouble I had getting even that one post up... *shudder*), and in the end, I ran out of both time and ideas. Apologies all around, once again.

Winning or losing, or even the method of it, never really mattered to me... IC, we never really stood a chance anyways. Personally, I think the twelve-post rule is a bit of a bummer, since it doesn't take into account length, effort, story, etc. But that's just me. In the end, I just think it's a shame that real life took over, and our stories kind of fell by the wayside.

Ink - at least from my point of view, I don't blame you at all ^^. I know that you had it pretty bad as well, so...

Shadowed / NC - good luck in the next round. Sorry that it's all I can say ><

Plink - I'm sorry to see you go... I honestly enjoyed writing with Lask, scores be damned. For the first time in ages - since I wrote with Kegger, in fact - Yuka felt alive. I'm not sure how much my words mean now, but please stick around in the shadows... who knows, someday you might feel like giving that muse another go ^^. And in any case, you promised me pictures... *puppy dog eyes*

Phewf. I think that's all that needs to be said ^^. I'm not really good at this, so here's hoping that nobody takes anything badly...