He visited his tailor soon after. He was a short fellow with a pockmarked face by the name of Luis. Godhand held still as the little man darted to and fro, taking his measurements. It was only a formality at that point; Godhand never gained or lost much weight and this was his regular tailor, but the man had his quirks and the swordsman didn't see a problem with playing along. The only thing that really bothered him was that the man was a little too thorough when measuring the inseam; secretly, Godhand suspected Luis of being a homosexual but he never bothered to voice his concern. He was a good tailor, after all. He could be forgiven for being a bit handsy.

"Alright, all done. Now, what are you looking for today, Godhand? Are you finally going to let me dress you up?"

"I'm afraid not, Luis. I'm just looking for a simple, pinstriped suit. Black or dark blue; maybe a tie. What do you think?"

"What I thought last time you asked me for it; it's a perfectly serviceable suit, but don't expect it to turn any heads. Now, if you let me dress you, I'd go with a white-"

"No. None of that."

"Alright, alright. Well, at least let me pick the tie. I think a dark red one might really bring out your eyes."

"Thank you, Luis. That's a beautiful thing to say."

The short tailor was a whirlwind of motion as he searched the shop for the different pieces of the suit. He was going to give Godhand one he'd already made, which exacerbated the uselessness of taking his measurements, but that was alright. When he finally came back with all the different pieces, the mercenary stepped into a room and changed. When he emerged, Luis clapped his hands and laughed. He took a moment to study how it fit, then spoke.

"God, I truly am the best, aren't I?"

Godhand looked at himself in the mirror. Tall and lean; sharp and clean. He looked good. The suit fit just right and the tie actually did bring out his eyes. Some might have called him ridiculous for dressing up to go into a war zone, but the swordsman knew the end was at hand and wanted to look good for it; a little reward for all his hard work. He tightened the tie and checked his cuff links.

"Listen, my old clothes are in the back room. Do you mind having them cleaned for when I return?”

Luis looked positively insulted.

"Sir, I am an artist, not a maid! The very fact that you'd-"

"I'll let you pick out my clothes next time."

The tailor's eyes gleamed.

"Hrmm...Very well. But only because I want to find out for sure if pink or white would be a good color for you. Normally, I'd say you're too pale to pull it off, but with those eyes..."

"You're too kind. I'll see you later, Luis."