No, this isn't another recruitment thread for some quest that mistakenly posted in the wrong subforum. This is a thread about TV shows, and not just those from the title.

So I was wondering, any fans of some TV shows here on Althanas? Is there something you follow faithfully, something you wouldn't miss for the world, or just something you enjoy to watch for the fun of it? Are you a die-hard fan or just an occasional one?

One of the reasons I made this thread is because I recently finished watching the fifth season of Lost (one of the reasons why I haven't been posting in an overly timely manner, the other being working overtime). Now, I'm not a huge Lost fan. I'm not the kind of a viewer that, while watching some episode in the fourth season, notices a subtle reference to something in like season one. But I do like this show. It takes you on quite a rollercoaster and always leaves you with more questions than answers. Because of this, it's rather hard for me to get back into the Lost groove, but after an episode or three, you fall right back into the story. Anyways, I love lost, but not as much as...

Heroes. Any Heroes fans out there? I fucking love Heroes. Admittedly, the quality of the story seems to degrade a bit with each season (though not nearly as much as it does in the third show from the title), but it's still an awesome show. I can watch Heroes anytime, anywhere and never get bored.

And there's Supernatural. Now, Supernatural blew me away in the first two seasons. They basically took every myth, legend and old wives tale and turned it into something the protagonists had to fight. And it worked. But then they started to complicate things (a natural process, I guess) and then the show wasn't so fun anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed watching the last season, all the way to the cliffhanger end, but it's just not the same it was before. But I guess there are only so many monsters you can kill before you start repeating yourself.

Anyways, those three are my favorites. Anybody a fan of those? Or maybe you prefer something else? Or maybe you simply think that there are no quality shows on the tube anymore?