Her mind was reeling with all the new information. She didn’t know how she should sort it or even where to begin really. Part of her wanted nothing more than to question Jared endlessly and see what interesting answers he had lurking in that skull of his. He might know secrets about the BB that she could only dream of, not to mention the location of the legendary thief Yari Rafanas himself. Just because this incarnation of the group had not been started by him did not mean that they did not have any connections with the man himself. And yet, when she looked up into the face of the man, all those questioned died upon the tip of her tongue, swallowed, never to return. She couldn’t do it. Seeing the outstretched hand and the look on his grey eyes, part of her just knew it wouldn’t be right. It would be like dumping the whole salt shaker on the wound and rubbing it raw.

Maybe she’d been too rough on him. Sure, he’d been rather tense and depressed, but maybe he had a good reason to be. And maybe he just needed someone to pull him out of his little funk and show him how amazing and enjoyable life could be once more. Though she could not promise to rid his mind and his heart of all its troubles, heck she couldn’t even promise to be nice to him. She could strive to make this an enjoyable vacation for the man; after all he had helped her in a bind.

Faelynn allowed her lips to pull up in a small smile. “Sure, the Inn is not very far from here.”

As she extended her hand to his, she realized that a light drizzle was beginning to fall from the skin. The small droplets of water impacted along her jackets, exploding in a small shower of water. They even grazed her face, the warm water trickling down her cheeks and jaw. Tipping her head back as she wrapped her fingers around his hand, she smiled a full bright smile that ignited a fire in her golden green eyes. She was beginning to feel like her time in Dheathain would not be wasted after all.


The lower level of the Inn was a little crowded. It was not packed, but with the rain outside it seemed like a number of people had decided spending time indoors would be a good thing. Faelynn agreed wholeheartedly. By the time they made it back to the Inn, her hair was rather wet and the shoulders of her jacket had absorbed their face share of water too, the rest of her—aside from a few key areas that stuck out—were mostly dry. Thankfully the place was warm and two fires blazed brightly in stone hearths, providing light and warmth. Finding a small vacated booth, Faelynn led Jared towards it, quickly sliding in herself.

The soft cushion of the seat enveloped her behind and the moment her feet left the ground, she relaxed with a sigh. They were sore from walking around so much. Though The Iron Shackles were great for battles and she barely went anywhere without them on, they were not the most comfortable boots to wear for a prolonged period of time. In all honesty, she couldn’t wait to get to their room and strip them off. Yeah, their room. It was cheaper to get one room with two beds then separate rooms and seeing as how they’d slept in the same room on the ship she didn’t think it would be a problem.

“You know, this one time my brother and his friend Connaire had enchanted this sword my brother Ferynn made. They enchanted it so that the blade could shoot fireballs at the user’s command, by draining energy from the user.” Faelynn began as she settled back against the booth, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips as she recalled the day. “They asked me to test the weapon out like they always do. So, I went into the backyard, lifted it up and pointed it at a man made of straw. Well, the fireball worked, in the sense that the sword exploded in a rain of fire and molten metal.”

She laughed softly as she remember how freaked out she had been at the time. Pulling up the sleeve of her jacket, she showed Jared a deep, white scar along her forearm, stretching towards her elbow. It was about three inches long. “Thankfully the only part of me that blasted sword left a mark upon. Honestly, those two are insane. They always get me to test out their latest experiment and that’s not the only time one has gone wrong. You should hear the story about the chainmail bikini that was supposed to turn me into a mermaid...” She trailed off, shaking her head at the memories.