The world around me slowed its sudden chanting, the minute finally done ticking. The clockwork was back to its slow rhythm, a comforting tone. It was not to last as my solace and console. The manic cackling of the ghoul beneath me started to rise through my arena, making my skin crawl and forcing me to look over the edge of the small beam I balanced on. I could see the deep sockets of the devious opponent below me. His head was turned to mine, but I wasn’t sure if he was looking at me or through me. The mad laughter became a ravenous growl, and the beast began to climb the chain that I had so easily used as a means to take a higher vantage point.

Cold steel called for blood, each dagger feeling empty and useless without the edge used to kill. I leaned as much as I could to look over the side, trying to find a point to attack. Networks of dehalr and titanium bars were in the way of my easy kill. If I threw the dagger it would be like a fly caught in a spider’s web, what was on the other side was hidden by the elaborate shield. I had to wait, and watch. My opening for the dagger to come to use showed as suddenly as the foe did. My arm flew forward, the dagger was released, but the snarling monster was not going to be so easily deterred.

As if my ability to use a dagger for precise kills was on par with the newest would-be thief, the blade went wild. I could see it flash in the dull blue light that filtered through the massive clock face, just over Lorenor’s shoulder and off into the distance. No time was left for me to pull more weapons for a counter-offensive; no room was present to dodge to either side. Instead of any movement away from the bar, my instincts suddenly took over.

The claws slashed across my faux-leather jacket, the thin material no match for the sharp weapons. Even with my momentum pushing away from my opponent, it was not enough to escape. Blood blossomed across my chest as the cleanly cut wounds opened. The three lines were as perfectly opened as if with razors, my body slowly realizing it was open before the blood began to bloom. My hands came to my torso and I could feel the opened white shirt that was visible through the unzipped jacket. I took another lung backwards when my opponent struck again, just enough to dodge the attack.

My momentum suddenly stopped as I felt my back clash into one of the many support beams that created the infrastructure. I barely stopped my head from following through with the movement of my body and clashing with the titanium. It would have been the end through a blunder made in my own designed arena. Instead of letting the thing get closer and without any means of escape to elude another dagger clawed strike, I took a much bigger step… or leap more appropriately.

From the second story beam of dehlar I fell to the floor below. Any other person would have probably destroyed the bones in their legs; their knees would buckle and crack if they remained straight legged, shatter in half if they bent them. Neither terrible fate would come to me though, because I had multiple codes that were constantly in place. Strength, speed, and constitution were all nearly doubled on my body; the fall would be nothing but a small step.

Two daggers fell to either hand and I turned as soon as my converses touched the solid floor. My eyes caught sight of the beast that waited above me, and I hoped that by dropping I had not given him an advantage. He was above me now, and the height was significant should he have any ranged magic’s at his command. I doubted it though, since he had used none in the battle. All I needed to do was wait for him to fall and launch a dagger or two when he was on his way down. Well placed weapons were going to finish what the Knights of Dawn and the treacherous Ai’Bron had forced upon me.