1: If you mean as it was falling, add ~50 feet to the distance it already fell. If you mean it had stopped falling, you're on the ground, a damn long way away.


Quote Originally Posted by My post
A flash of bright illumination pierced the cloud of darkness that surrounded the misty night, illuminating two small persons atop a branch dozens of feet below and to the side of the Lawmaker.
Quote Originally Posted by Your post
A split second later she was but a barely visible blur of shadow and light as she leaped off the burning branch before it fell, faster than the they eye could detect, towards her foe's neck protected by Hopper's magical ring radius.
Also, you either edited your post or I misread it. The branch started to fall the second the lightning hit it, and NightCast's attack went off after the branch started falling. So for you to have commented on the attacks, then pulled out a dagger and jumped, the branch would have been an additional hundred feet below, give or take.