"Just what the fuck is going on? Out with it already man." Alberdyne said and waited for a response.

The response the young smith got was not the one he expected. The keener hearing of the shapeshifter picked up the urgency in the guards' voices. Bottlebrush had spoken up in the slight lull, his back still making him look like he was dealing with the small child.

"If the matter is urgent, give me a moment, and I will lead you to a more private room, squires." The young shapeshifter extended his hand toward the door behind the bar, before directing the young child out the door. After he saw the child and his guardian leave, he led the trio, two guards and apprentice smith, into the storeroom behind the bar. The quartet of people entered the stores room, which had a pair of chairs, as well as a straw matress in one corner of the room. A small table, big enough for what would seem as a small child, maybe of about ten or eleven. On the small, straw, mattress was a threadbare blanket.