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Thread: The HoW Mission Board

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    Saxon's Avatar

    Thomas Saxon
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    The HoW Mission Board


    As the war between the Crown and Church rages upon the bloodied soil of Uroda, the very future of Salvar and it's denizens rests in your hands. It'll be largely up to the players during this chapter to determine who will manage to wipe out the opposition, take control of Knife's Edge and finally put the civil war in Salvar to bed once and for all. How can you affect the war? Easy! By completing missions for a specific faction, you can accumulate points for that particular faction and give them specific bonuses that will tie into the final battle at Knife's Edge.

    Also, by completing quests with a definite impact on the war for either side can earn you recognition, rewards, and a chance to feed points to a faction as if you had just completed a mission. You see, the entire future of Salvar and the outcome of this long, bloody war is under your control.

    Below I'll explain how you'll be able to contribute to the war in greater detail, rules for missions, and any other helpful information you might need.

    Winning the Civil War

    Yep, it's true. Any member or player can determine the outcome of this civil war in a very direct way. Instead of having to thumb through quests and looking to find relevent impacts on the war made by players, I'm going to give you guys an ultimatium. The two factions that will be the focus on this chapter and the war will be The League of Salvic States and the Church of the Ethereal Sway which will be fighting for power and control of the entire country of Salvar.

    Each faction will be awarded points for every mission or approved quest you and other players complete and judged will be held in a running tally. The first faction to reach 18 points will be declared the victor of the civil war and a thread will be opened up to enact out the climatic battle in which all players, those who've contributed and those who'll enter into the fray for the very first time, will be welcomed to join in and play both sides. The thread will remain open for approximately three weeks and afterwards will be closed with the shocking conclusion and the epilogue that will hint at some of the drastic changes in Salvar's immediate future.

    There will also be bonuses awarded to either side specified by certain missions completed which can grant strengths or weaknesses to either faction in the coming battle. Things such as whether or not the League arrives at Knife's Edge in full force or something as simple as St. Denebriel finding that eureka moment that could give her and the Church the upper hand in the final battle. So, you see, the very nature of how this battle will be fought is in your direct control, so I'm hoping that you and other players can see just how important it is for your participation and interest in this pivotal chapter.

    Points for either faction will be awarded like this;

    1 point will be awarded for every mission/AQ (Approved Quest) that is completed and judged with a score between 45-60.

    2 points will be awarded for every mission/AQ that is completed and judged with a score between 61-85.

    Finally, 3 points will be awarded for every mission/AQ that is completed and judged with a score between 86-100.

    Again, the first faction to reach 18 points during the course of the chapter will be the victors of the civil war. So get off the sidelines and fuel the war effort! The fate of Salvar is in your hands!


    The League of Salvic States: 4

    The Church of the Ethereal Sway: 0

    Mission Board Rules:

    The rules for the board are pretty simple and straight forward, and most of them will probably be similar to what you've seen in many other different kinds of boards. But, to make sure everybody is on the same page and knows what's expected of them here are the general guidelines for the mission board;

    1) One player on any one account may claim one mission for either faction at any given time. What this means is that only one player can participate in a single mission for either faction. Each player is limited to up to one mission from either the League of Salvic States or The Church of the Ethereal Sway, meaning you can essentially have up to two missions at any given time but it'll be one per faction. Should you complete the mission and have it judged, you'll be able to claim another mission.

    Most players are regulars here, so by now a lot of us know your alternate accounts. Don't try to take more then your fair share and you'll have nothing to worry about. To sort of ease any questions in the future, I'll give you guys an example of what I mean. A player claims one mission for the ethereal sway on one account, and then he switches to another account and claims a mission for the League. This is allowed. Claiming one mission from both sides on multiple accounts is not. See the difference? So long as you are within the limit of missions you can have at any given time, you've nothing to worry about. Otherwise, given the limited missions below, be courteous to other players and give them a chance to contribute!

    2) The threads you make when playing out a mission MUST have the mission title as it's thread title. This makes it easier to track and keep records of rather then me trying to sit down and follow eight different oddball quests. It'll also seperate missions from conventional quests, making it easier to pick out in the coming weeks.

    3) All participants in the mission must remain active in that thread! Once you start posting in that mission, you have four days to put up each post unless otherwise noted. This means you need to post at least once every four days in order to keep your claim on the mission. There is probably going to be a waiting line for these things, and it'd be unfair if you were to claim one and end up never completing it. I and others will be keeping track of your activity with missions, so if you go over your time limit without notifying any of us, I'll free up the mission for someone else to grab. This time limit does not extend to Approved Quests.

    4) When requesting a mission, use the following format;

    Mission Name:
    Faction: League of Salvic States or Church of the Ethereal Sway
    Whose Claiming it: (Name all of those who will be participating in the thread, not just yourself).

    Getting A Quest Approved:

    I mentioned earlier that you can earn points for either faction with not only missions but by quests that have been approved. What does that mean? Not much. The idea is simple. If you have a quest or story you think would have an impact on the war either locally or at large, you're eligible to get your quest sanctioned for points and even larger rewards provided you finish and have the quest judged. The subject matter of the quest is completely up to you, but all that I ask is that the quest have some sort of impact upon the civil war and the faction you are trying to give points to is clearly indicated in either the thread or in a note before you submit it for judgment.

    Approved quests will be given the power to award points to either faction provided they are completed and scored before the end of the chapter. Also, all approved quests will be given special rewards for your efforts and contributions as follows;

    1) All approved quests receive a 1.5x experience multiplier on top of the rest of the bonuses they would be getting for completing a quest in the FQ.

    2) All participants in an approved quest will be eligible for a random drawing for legendary items that were used during the chapter. This drawing and the details of it will be touched upon later in the chapter.

    3) All approved quests participants who score a 70 or above on their quests will be given a special prize depending on the outcome of the war.

    a) Should you have sided with the League and they end up winning the war, you will be given a parcel of land and the beginnings of a fiefdom that will be under your direct control. You will then be given status as a baron which will be reflected in a unique member title of your choice provided it has "Baron", "Noble" or "Feudal Lord" in it in some fashion. With a new fiefdom, land, and title under your belt you will be given the status to war with other nobles and build your fiefdoms, specialize it, and populate it in any way you choose.

    The specifications of these fiefdoms and the land awarded to you will be unique from other fiefdoms that players/power groups will be able to claim in a future event in Salvar called 'Feudal Wars'. Be the first to get one!

    b) If you sided with the Church in your quest and they end up winning the war, you will be given a blessing from the Church themselves and be given patron saint status for the character you used within their gospels. The blessing will be an ability outside the confines of your level by up to two levels provided that it is approved by the RoG Staff (They will be informed of your reward, but keep it reasonable because in the end it's up to them as to whether or not it is approved. You will also need to have a disclaimer attached to that ability in your next update saying that it was awarded to you and where you got it).

    Your status as a saint can be reflected in a unique member title of your choice with the word "Saint" in it and it'll be up to you to word it. You will also have access to certain things after the war that are unavailable to regular players in an event of the Church's new rise to power which can vary from anything between from a sect of people that worship you specifically or even having a church built in your name.

    If you're interested in obtaining an approved quest, contact me immediately and we can talk it over. Remember, the approval of your quest depends entirely on how and what you choose to do to impact the war and that most of these rewards are reserved for those who finish and have their quests scored. The only exception to those rewards will be the random drawing for legendary items.

    Now onto the missions.
    Last edited by Saxon; 10-11-09 at 08:41 PM.
    HEY! If you are judging or adding experience to a quest of mine, READ THIS!

    ~~Fibonacci's Tales ~~
    To Trump A Bluff.. (Best Quest of 2007)
    Almost Heroes

    "To be evil is easy. It is far easier to destroy the light inside of someone then the darkness all around you." -The Night Watch

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