Though he'd calculated the maneuver quite carefully, the lighting in the environment, and his own speed compared to the other man's was lacking. His swinging blade came down first and then the boot, somehow, ended up connecting with the man's face. What is the deal with this place, didn't I just aim for his swords with my boot? Dyne shrugged the thoughts off to the side having little time to react to the object that was thrown in his general direction.

Swinging forward, the apprentice attempted to recapture his momentum. He'd been thrown off balance and only half-expected his opponent to throw some trick through the air. In the back of his mind he cursed once he felt the surge of energy come from his foe. Dyne's eyes widened as the man's nimbus cloud seemed to fluctuate for a brief moment. His movement slowed down as the other man reacted in a much faster capacity. Dyne felt the entire world stand still as lightning flickered about him from the monolith structures.

The other man's reaction time was simply far superior to Dyne's. Dyne had not noticed the man's conniving plot. As he worked to regain his moment against the other man's movements, time seemed to stop. Seconds passed as he had time to think about where he was actually going to place is shield. Be it a combination of the mysterious energies around this newly discovered environment, or the man's own secret power, Dyne saw the projectile as it was thrown at him. Oh shit! Dyne thought to himself as the object was nonchalantly tossed in his general direction.

With his shield coming to position, the youth saw his life flash before his eyes. Then it hit him, hard. Only his superior muscle mass and physique saved him from permanent harm. Feeling tremendous shock course through his stomach, the unarmored youth was hit easily by the man's projectile attack. Bending over in a slight hunch, the air was knocked completely out of Dyne's lungs. He was now open to any follow up attack that Cydnar might send his way...