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Thread: By the Skin of Our Teeth

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  1. #33
    EXP: 878, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 44%,
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    skyler manfield's Avatar

    Skyler Manfield
    Hair Color
    Mousy brown
    Eye Color
    Sea grey
    5'11/ 125

    As Cael stepped out of the room, leaving Skyler alone with her thoughts, she sat down on the stool with her towel wrapped around her shoulders. Tears stung her eyes, but she let them fall freely. He had sworn their separation wouldn’t be forever, but her heart still ached at the thought of goodbye. If it weren’t for the trust she’d come to have in him, she’d be all out sobbing at the moment - as it was she felt a bit foolish for crying. But it would be more foolish to deny how important he’d become to her in the short time they’d known each other.

    Skyler got to her feet as he returned with clean clothes, not bothering to wipe away the tears that lingered on her cheeks. One step closer to his departure, one step closer to wondering and worrying every day until (she didn’t want to doubt it, so she wouldn’t say if) she saw him again. Sniffing, she reminded herself there was nothing to be done for it.

    But he wasn’t just walking away. He was leaving her with something important enough to him that Cael had delayed their escape from beneath the Cathedral with the need to retrieve it. Skyler closed her eyes as he touched her face, and managed a smile as he tugged at her hair.

    “You’d better find me again,” she said with a playful pout, “Or I will do my best to make sure it ends up in tatters - no matter how pretty it matches my eyes.”

    It was unclear whether it was the bath or their kiss which had left her feeling stronger, but her legs didn’t feel quite so near to buckling, and her hands shook a little less as she began to take the pieces of clothing and slowly dress. The previous embarrassment and modesty had dissolved between them a few minutes earlier.

    “C’mon,” she stood from pulling warm woolen stockings onto her feet and took the coat from him, carefully wrapping it around her shoulders before taking his hand, “I think it’s about that time.”

    As if on cue, Ludvik pushed the door open and smiled grimly at them. Skyler nodded, clenching her teeth against more tears.

    “It’s time,” Ludvik’s words echoed hers, “There’s a blizzard coming, and we want to make it to the portal before it hits.”

    Skyler nodded and pulled Cael from the room, following Ludvik down the hall to the main room. Their few things were packed into a pair of backpacks by the front door, and the large coat they’d taken from Reznik rested atop the smaller of the two packs. Her hand tightened around Cael’s and she avoided Hawk’s sympathetic glance.

    A hand on her shoulder caused her to look up, and Ludvik smiled at her (it didn’t quite reach his violet-blue eyes). Squeezing her shoulder he looked to Cael for a moment before his gaze returned to her.

    “I owe you so much more than I have to give,” he said by way of thanks, “You risked more than you should have to help someone you don’t even know. I’m eternally in your debt for returning my brother to me.”

    Skyler shrugged and shook her head as though dismissing his gratitude. It was too heavy, and she still cradled the regret of taking so long to attempt to rescue this stranger she now felt so strongly connected to. Besides what did you say to such a speech of gratitude?

    “Hawk,” Ludvik continued, turning to Skyler’s mentor who stood in front of the fire, “You take care of this girl, keep her out of trouble. I get the feeling Cael might take offense if you let anything happen to her.”

    “I could say the same to you,” Hawk laughed with Cael’s brother, “Take care of yourselves, don’t make her daring rescue have been pointless. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

    Hawk stepped closer and patted both Ludvik and Cael hard on the shoulder. It was what he always did instead of goodbye, and it left Skyler’s stomach in a sickened knot. Ludvik, returned the gesture, then turned to Skyler and hugged her as if she was one of his children. Skyler awkwardly returned the hug, never releasing Cael’s hand as she did so.

    “Caelric?” his brother looked at him expectantly, moving to the door and shouldering his pack.

    Skyler lifted her chin and tried to look brave as Cael turned to face her.

    “You said you’d find me,” she reminded him in a quiet voice, “Please don’t let that be a lie… I hate goodbyes.”
    Last edited by skyler manfield; 12-19-09 at 01:18 PM.

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