Ailnea had moved closer to lorenor's murderer. Suddenly, a fireball caught her in her side and laid her low. Slowly she got up, moaning, determined to continue on, to avenge her friend's death. She moved closer, and right as she got close to her chosen enemy, something strange entered her vision.

The strange woman that had chased her earlier, was glowing. She was close to Ailnea, then, she just exploded. Ailnea's senses filled with fire, then, darkness. This was familiar, the dense black void of nothingness before she was resurrected.

"Interesting, a machine comprised of Nano-molecular machines, from that universe. I thought it was destroyed. She is perhaps, a survivor? Regardless, I think I shall set the watchers in the night on the contestants of this contest, both the survivors, and losers." A male voice was saying.

The voice was familiar, as though she should know it. It gave her a chill of fear, as though its sounding meant only unpleasant experiences to come. Movement, she was moving through the darkness.

Out on the battlefield, Ailnea's dead body finally dropped Lorenor's dagger, giving no sign of the mysteries her spirit was encountering.

Out of Character:
Last posts from me.