Satanfoot waddled into the bar. People turned at the sound of his over exasperated breathing. Yes, thier stares let him know that though he had never been to this town before; though he had never stept foot in this bar, they knew he came to rock! He slowly made his way to the DJ. The walk took a long time, not only because he was unable to walk much faster than this, as he took in the wondering eyes of the croud. He leaned in, and told the DJ his selection before walking back across the room to the old dusty bar.

"Give me a Tequila Rose, make it a double." He said in his most manly voice. The awe on the bartenders face was apparent. Yes, Satanfoot blocker was like a hero to the people of this bar. This town needed someone like him, and he was happy to oblige. The bartender was a slender young thing, with dark brown hair reaching nearly to her bottom. She must have been from the islands, her body'd been kissed by the sun. The smell of coconut replaced the smell of the bar, and he wasn't sure if it was her or the rum. Oh wait, he was drinking Tequila rose, must be the bartender.

Satanfoot looked to the small stage, and watched the performance. Two Dwarven women sang "Dontch" with lots of heart, and lots of sour notes. Thier attempt at the performance was enjoyable, but far from his level. Oh yes, Satanfoot blocker would show these people what Karaoke was truly about. As the girls finished tiher song, they bowed gracelessly and handed the mic's back to the DJ.

"Up next, we have Satanfoot Blocker. It's Satanfoot's first time singing with us tonight so everyone give him a hand."

Satanfoot walked with determination towards the stage. He grabbed the mic and bowed his head to wait for the opening notes. The music started, and he was off....

"All the single ladies, All the single ladies, OH OH OH OH OH OH OH, OH OH OH OH OH OH OH. If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it, if you liked it...."