
The area around former Valinatal had become a bustling city. However, this was a city unlike any other on Althanas. It was a city of the free, those who had broken away from the iron-grip control of the tyrant, Xem-Zund. Now, a renegade group, the people of the city were a group of toughened Undead. Some were former members of Xem'Zund's army, the others, were the people of former Valinatal reanimated by Necromancy. Some by choice, others not so much so.

A misshapen city, the Undead city of former Valinatal had the twisted aesthetic of the Thayne known as N'Jal. Within this fortress, N'Jal word was law and the Clergy of N'Jal held absolute authority over the city. Puppet leaders were placed within the city as a mere formality. In truth, they were front men for the will of N'Jal. For N'Jal was the law. All in the city followed the word of N'Jal as dedicated fanatics.

Somewhere in the war-torn city, lurked a chamber known to The Undead as The Eye of Fate. Within this chamber, in a potent well-spring of energy lurked the physical embodiment of the Thayne, N'Jal.

Now the city had a particular lay out. There was a small, but, thriving merchant's district, an academy, a cathedral, and several barracks for the guards. There was also a housing district. Many apartments were provided by those who were willing to pay for shelter, as well as those under the employ of the cloth or the city guard.

There was no need for a city wall. The air was still blasted and hot from a recent meteorite attack. It was within this meteor that the physical embodiment of N'Jal was capable of returning to Althanas proper. And thus, began the second age of darkness as prophesied by the prophets of the Demon War. With air that was choking to the breath, only the Undead could make their home in such a Thayne-forsaken place.

Within undead society, there were many rankings. With the Clergy at the top of the food chain and all others were secondary to the word of N'Jal.

One of the most vocal and visible members of the Clergy was Lorenor. As a High Priest of N'Jal, the mutant was responsible for many civic duties within the city. The Clergy currently held several members in its ranks. Many initiates and neophyte members of the cloth, and many other servants and observers still. Followers of N'Jal numbered in the hundreds.

Lorenor was currently in deep meditation within his personal apartment. Several members of the undead race were also in deep meditation alongside The High Priest. Sitting in a circle, the followers of N'Jal were reciting mantra from a series of three books resting on the floor. The books were all open to specific pages, and were placed in a very deliberate order. To the outside observer who didn't know Spider-Magi, the books' pages would appear to be completely devoid of any sort of writings. Lorenor spoke from the pages of the books, his eyes completely closed, a shadow cast upon his face. All of the gathered followers sat in a variation of the lotus seated position.

From their lips flowed the mantra lurking on the pages. Some of the individuals struggled with the bizarre vocals, whilst others expertly recited the verse in the books. Lorenor knew the words by second-nature. He lead the congress in its recitals. Outside, it was early morning. Inside the apartment chamber, no light ever penetrated. There were no windows and the world of the high-priest was a dark world indeed. Several paintings were visible done with the skillful touch of a spider-magi. These hung on the walls. Several adjacent chambers were visible that contained bedrooms and other places of interest. The main two rooms of the apartment complex were a living area that was quite large and a den. These two chambers were immediately visible upon entering the apartment.

There were no hallways. All of the secondary rooms were stacked or connected to one another from doors and walls. Only one single door was closed. And that room was a bedroom that contained a certain guest from a previous adventure. Outside of the apartment was situated four elite guards dressed in prevalida armour that was tainted black. The men stood grimly in position as they protected one of the most important individuals in the entire city. Lorenor himself.

When the hour had arrived, Lorenor finally stopped reciting the mantra and rose skillfully from his sitting position.

"Bow to the word of N'Jal." Lorenor said as he had said for the billionth time since his tenure in Raiaera began. And his cohorts did as he had told them. "Rise now, and give tribute to the dark lady and you are all free to do as you wish for the remainder of your day. Think deeply upon the lessons learned on this day." Lorenor said. "With that my friends, I must retire. There are matters I must attend to." The gathered fellows gave their thanks to the High Priest, initiates, neophytes, and all, slowly left the room with their heads bowed in reflection. Exhausted, the mutant sat down upon a single sofa. He looked upon one of his favored guard-kin. "'Tis exhausting work my friend." Lorenor said to the fellow. "But I am glad I have allies in this."

"You will always have allies Lord Lorenor. Your will is that of our Master." The guard responded. He stood in a corner of the large chamber, his presence barely visible. "You should rest. It's been a month since that mute and his daughter came to see you. That other fellow has become enthralled with our way." The guard referred to Lorenor's guest. "And you have not slept for many days. You should retire."

Lorenor nodded.

"There is much work to be done." He said. "The most recent orders of N'Jal are already prepared. I cannot rest."

His guard smiled. "There is no rest for the wicked?"

"Precisely my fellow. Go see your family for a while. I will send summons for you when the time comes. We must be ready to venture into Lindequalme once more." Lorenor turned towards the chamber that contained his guest. "I will not disturb him. He must come to N'Jal of his own will..." And Lorenor proceeded to turn back to the books once more. The physical books were merely a formality, he had memorized every single verse by then. What he had not obtained yet, were the secrets of power that lurked within the tomes...