“AZZA!” Stephanie screeched as she moved like a deer in flight to grab her. Panic struck through her veins as her blood and heart raced rapidly through her system, her eyes wide in terror as she felt the balls of her feet slap the pavement in her boots. Her hand reached out, fingers stretching to the max she clawed to grab the little child’s dress.

It was a split second to late.

Azza’s body fell in slow motion and Stephanie hit her body into the guard rails, her breath being knocked out of her as she scrambled to climb up the rail and jump in after her. As her feet slipped to hit the top rail a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled back. Her eyes never left the child’s as she fought to be free from the flesh that bound her. She elbowed one of the people in the face and rose back to the top rail, but she couldn’t jump in as another guard grabbed her waist and tossed her all the way back.

“Hold her down!” the attendant ordered. “I don’t want any heroic bull stunts! Get the animal trainers to the Aleran Wolf Pit! Move it! Emergency red!” Attendants began quickly and safely ordering the guests and patrons to leave the exhibit area as more Zoo workers piled into the area. Some brought ladders and some brought rope. A few trainers arrived with long poles that held a U shaped curve at the end to push deadly animals away.

The commotion and the screaming pilfered through the air at a crashing sound. The noise and confusion angered the wolves hiding in the pit cave and when they saw Azza On the ground crying a few members of the pack stepped out from his perch and growled lowly baring their teeth. Azza saw them and whined, scampering to the wall and holding her back straight as she shivered in fear. The wolves moved in on her as a few trainers dropped their ladders and began scampering down quickly forming a circle around Azza.

Stephanie glanced at the plaque of information and read it quickly, learning that Aleran wolves hearing was the keenest of the wolf species, and that because of this loud noises make them very angry. The other tidbit is that the Aleran wolves hunting greater packs, with the Alpha Male staying behind letting the rest do the work. Only when their territory was being threatened would the lead wolf come out and attack.

Probably the stupidest move they could have done, the territorial threat to the Aleran wolves sent them all into a frenzy as they all lurched out of the cave, angrily snapping their jaws as they attacked in one pack at the same time. The trainers all held their poles shakily, some being tackled and ripped at as the others fled back up the ladder.

“MY DAUGHTER YOU ASSES! GRAB MY DAUGHTER!” Stephanie shouted as she tried to break through the three guards holding her back. Azza cried as the wolves attacked the trainers before they began forming around the little girl, protecting her as some sort of prize. The trainers all fled as they shouted in alarm and panic, leaving the girl behind.

“What the hell is wrong with you people? Let me save my daughter!” Stephanie shouted punching one in the face. She broke through for a moment until some heavier armed guards strode up to her and grabbed her, tying her down as others moved to the pit. She hollered in protest, but one guard gave her a dark look before “accidentally” slipping the butt of his weapon into her face. Her screams were silenced as she fumed to herself, glaring at the man, her cheek red.

The leader of this new group stood forward and looked at the situation. With a sorrowful nod, which looked more forced than anything else, he began to speak. “It’s to dicey down there. The wolves will eat anything that comes close to the little girl. That leaves one solution!” he seemed to grow excited. “Use our reserves of poisonous gas to kill all the wolves!” His men nodded to his request as the trainers and the attendants all looked to him with a ‘what the hell are you thinking’ expression. He pointed to them and his guards detained them, pushing their bodies away. The lead guard turned back to Stephanie.

“If it were only possible to save your daughter,” he lied. “I would jump in there, doing a daring roll, and make do some seriously sensuous ass whipping, but it’s just not in the cards, babe!” Stephanie looked to him, saw he was actually serious, and her face turned even darker red as she breathed heavily. She took one deep breath, rolled to her back, and nipped up.

“Uh, what are you doing?” the leader asked. Stephanie jumped into a tight ball, lopping her legs into her body and hopping over her hands effectively bringing them from her back to her stomach. She rolled her shoulders for comfort, lifted her hands to her hair and pulled out a pin, and went to work. “MEN!” he shouted. “My loyal men! Detain her!” Stephanie gave him a dark look as she managed to use the in to gain leverage over the ropes, breaking the knot. She whipped the rope up and out, hitting on e in the face before rushing forwards at the leader of this bloody hungry group of heavy guards.

“Oh man, looks like I won’t get my new medal of valor approved.” he whined as Stephanie’s foot slammed into his face. The other guards all ran around her and she realized she wouldn’t break through them.

“This is the stupidest shit I have ever born witness too,” she chided. “And I live with Jensen!” she added turning and running off and away with a sudden idea in her mind.

Confused she left they all shrugged attending to their leader and making preparations. The few remaining trainers used their pole arms to keep the wolves away from Azza as the wolfs circled her, looking up for more intruders. A few walked up to her, sniffing her, but one baleful howl and the wolves left her alone.

The howl was like a clap of thunder, the others all running away in fear as they made room for the Alpha wolf. One giant paw hit the ground, unsettling the dust in the exhibit. A large wolf, easily the size of a five foot human and three times the girth trotted forward. It was deemed Azza would be the Alpha wolf’s prize meal, and the others could pick off whatever was left of the little girl.

It sniffed the air and strode forwards, leaning down and sniffing the girl as she whimpered, feeling around for something, anything to use against the beast. When she found something and lifted it to throw, the wolf howled at her, drool and bad odor washing over as she dropped her weapon in terror, covering her face.

The wolf moved forward, sniffing her twice before growling, lifting its head back and opening its jaws. When it came close to eating her there was a loud crunch as one of the pole arms shattered, a trainer screaming to his other aids to grab another and help him. They all ran to help, dozens of pole arms pushing the Alpha wolf away. The other Aleran wolves jumped forwards, some gripping the pole in their teeth and yanking hard pulling the weapons away. When the last of the weapons were removed the leader of the pack howled again, looking down upon Azza with hungry eyes.

As it stepped forward and prepared to feast the little girl closed her eyes, and whispered for her mommy and daddy to save her.

With a sharp yelp the wolf backed away, and Azza dared to peak her eye open. Standing before her was Jensen, jacket floating in the air behind him as it hovered away, one hand gripping a broken pole arm like it were a dagger as his other hand was held up in the air. She beamed seeing him, her eyes wide open and she blinked to make sure he was really there, and when she saw he still was she grew excited.

Jensen gave a quick moment to look at Azza with a smile. “Don’t worry kid, remember, half the fun of the adventures in the danger. Now be a good girl and do what Mommy says, okay?” His jacket floated down over her face, and she clung to it tightly. Jensen looked back to the wolf and laughed, a maddening, laughing shrill of one who faced terror everyday and reveled in it.

The Alpha wolf bellowed in protest, its jaws snapping as it charged at the immortal. Jensen felt his blood boil in hatred for the beast that dared to think of making his daughter a snack as he lept backwards in a tight flip, moving into his Caeiporiea dance style. The strange movements put the beast at bay, it’s hind legs risen as it’s front paws extended to either side of it.

Azza nodded her head free looking up to see Stephanie repelling down, the other trainers holding the rope with all their might as she scooped down, picking up her daughter. Azza clung to her tightly as Stephanie began whispering into her ear that everything would be all right. They pulled them clear and Stephanie held her tightly, rubbing her back with her hand as she worried look to see Jensen fighting the Alpha wolf.

Jensen bounced, ducked and dodged the beast, laughing and twirling the pole in his hands slamming it into the cranium of the beast, only seeming to upset it more. At last it pounced Jensen, slamming everything it had into the immortal. With a shriek of mirth Jensen bent backwards, falling and lifting his feet up. When his boots hit the underbelly of the wolf king he pushed rolling backwards in momentum with the wolf. It whined in fear and yelped as it soared into the rocky edge of the pit, hitting it hard. Jensen rotated back to his feet, turned to see the rope dangling and ran as fast as he could.

He leapt, grabbed the rope, and Stephanie let go of Azza to help the trainers pull him up. He moved quickly, the wolf getting back to its bearings with a shake of its head as it ran towards Jensen . It hopped upwards, its teeth engulfing one of his feet and Jensen howled out in agony as it held onto his leg violently twitching. He was about to let go of the rope until he felt Stephanie’s hands grip his tightly.

“Pull!” She shouted. Jensen looked to her, and she saw the thought in his eyes shaking her head in mourning. “Don’t die on me,” she whispered to him. Jensen looked into her eyes, seeming them water up and his heart melted to see that expression. Then a quick twinge of pain ran up his spine as the wolf shook violently. He gripped her hand tighter, cursing foul blaspheme through his teeth. “HELP US YOU DOLTS!” Stephanie shouted to the heavily armed guards that were such a bother before.

They looked to each other, then with a shrug ran over and grabbed onto the trainers and yanked. With a cry of pain that caused several other exhibits inhabitants to begin crying and wailing, Jensen was up, one leg a shredded, bloody mess as Stephanie pulled him over the ledge. The Alpha wolf hit the ground with a startling bump, shook its head in confusion, then with a huff of breath it trotted back to its lair, the other wolves following in pursuit.

Azza ran to her parents, hugging them both tightly as she nuzzled Jensen’s stomach. Jensen looked down upon her with a fatherly grin, patting her on the head as he looked to Stephanie, who was crying as she held Jensen tightly, her hand rubbing the girl’s back.

“Psssh, women…” the immortal mumbled.