Name: Lucien Dark
Age: 35
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Jade green
Height: six foot three
Weight: 125 pounds
Occupation: Famous author/adventurer

Personality: Lucien is a kind man and a loving husband/father. His smile is radiant and warm. His gaze seems to make anyone want to trust him. He smiles a lot and tends to be a little silly. But when push comes to shove he gets dead serious.

Appearance: Lucien is a slightly tall pale man. His muscles are well built due to his many adventures in Althanas. His brown hair hangs at eye length. His Jade green eyes emanate a positive energy. He wears a Dark business suit and black loafers.

History: Lucien grew up similarly like his son Leroy. he too attended Harvard and got several degrees in literature and history. One day in his studies he came across a scroll in ancient Greek. It told of several pens that would never run out of ink and several journals. If the journals were written in by the infinite ink pens magic would happen.

So Lucien searched and found two copies of "The journey of a lifetime." He wrote in it and found himself in Althanas. When he managed to return home he took his story and wrote it, doing the same for every book he wrote. One day he decided to retire to Althanas for good. So he wrote his "will" and left. He knew his son would follow suit, and have an adventure of a lifetime.

Gift of the Muse: Can speak, read, and write in any language.

Gift of Athena: The goddess of wisdom approached Lucien and gave him the ability to see through lies and disguises.

Gift of the Dark: Lucien's intelligence allow him to learn things faster, allowing him to gain skills faster.

Dagger wielding: Slightly above average when wielding a dagger.
Business suit:
Infinite fountain pen:
Sharp black dagger: