Rauko saw the man grin as he kicked the spuds, and held in a grin of his own. As Rauko slammed into the long haired man, he slid on the sack and fell. Unfortunately, he was not expecting what came next, and it happened too fast for him to react. Rauko had ducked behind the shield for the inevitable flailing sword, but as a hand clutched the side of the shield, it pulled him down too. Rather than allowing himself to fall into the path of the flailing blade, he dropped the shield, abandoning his strongest weapon in terms of both physical and magical.

In the closing of that eventful moment, alot happened still. First, the flailing arm got Rauko in the side, leaving a cut. it was less than half an inch deep, and he'd had worse, but it pushed the balance far past making it a worthwhile first attack from Rauko. Then Rauko realised how much better he could have made the attack simply by using his pyromancy to heat the shield when the tall man had grabbed it, burning his hand and putting it out of action.

Finally, as if adding insult to injury, there was a loud splash followed by searing pain in the fresh cut and the stench of ammonia. Rauko winced and fell to the ground, momentarily unable to hold himself upright, due to the salty liquid flowing into the cut. He didn't need to look up to know what had happened. There was a call of apology from above and the sound of a window closing. Rauko spat, and dripped with the contents of a chamber-pot. Must have been from an inn.