Creativity is one of the most blithely subjective categories to date. I always hated Strategy back in the day and I think Action was already a problem. Renaming it isn't going to help. That concept should have been merged in elsewhere. It simply doesn't make sense in a solo. That's fine I guess, but you really should make a generally applicable rubric. Strategy harkens back to when the rubric was a battle rubric.

Continuity as it stands is just a stupid name for what the category represents. I'm not sure if the category itself is retarded yet. How well "integrated" into Althanas something is seems bullshit subjective to me given that what is and isn't canon is generated every day.

My Eudaemonians are planeshifting technocrats from an alternate future of Earth. Does that jive well with Althanas? Not really, but I've been using them so long that several people acknowledge them. So does that count for Continuity? Is it just "do people buy it"? Does it help that I portray them as outsiders with significant problems?

I think that is a good example of what could go wrong with Continuity. I don't care about the answers vis'a'vis my own writing. I just think it shows the problem well.