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Thread: Holiday Vignette!

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  1. #13
    EXP: 23,049, Level: 6
    Level completed: 44%, EXP required for next level: 3,951
    Level completed: 44%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,951

    stupid requirement

    Jasmine finished tying a red bow in Siela’s hair, humming quietly as she did. Tonight was the annual Midwinter Ball given by her brother, King Eric. This year, as last year, the holiday had a new name, "the Feast of the Ancients." It was a winter tradition brought to Moriah by her husband, Zerith. She, Zerith and Siela had been away from Moriah for several months now. When they got the invitation to come to the ball, Jas had insisted that they take a small break from the Ixian Knights and go home for the ball. It felt good to be back home with her family. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her new friends within the Ixian Knights, but there was just something about being home that warmed her heart.

    She set Siela down on the floor, keeping an eye on the little girl as she started crawling away. Jasmine still had a few finishing touches to do on her own hair and face before they would be ready to go to the ballroom. However, it did not take the princess long to be satisfied with her appearance. She wore a capped-sleeve gown of dark blue trimmed in silver (her favorite colors) and wore her long black hair down and loose. A small section from each temple had been pulled back into a decorative butterfly-shaped clip to keep her locks from falling into her face. Smiling, she scooped her daughter up and nuzzled her face.

    “Come on, let’s go get Daddy and then we’ll go downstairs.”

    The 10-month old giggled at her mother’s nuzzling. She wore a knee-length dress of red with short sleeves and a white collar, white stockings and little black shoes. Her black hair, which was now finally long enough to do something with, had a red bow tied into it. The dress had been a gift from her grandmother. Thus far she had done anything to mess it up and Jasmine hoped that would last for the whole night. With Zerith in tow, the small family made their way down to the grand ball room.

    Eric, king of Moriah, loved this time of year. The previous year, Zerith had convinced him to import a huge pine tree for the ballroom and to decorate it. Apparently, it was a tradition where Zerith came from. The young king had been dubious about the idea at first, but it went over so well that he decided that he would do it every year. Now, a huge pine tree filled one corner of the ballroom decorated with garlands of beads, decorate glass balls and a wide variety of other decorations. At the very top of the tree perched a magnificent gold star. Beneath it was a pile of brightly wrapped gifts.

    The pillars that stood at the edge of the ballroom supporting the vaulted ceiling had holly garlands wrapped around them. Candles were arranged in various places giving the large room a homey feeling. He smiled as he watched his guests filling the room. Snacks would be provided a little bit later. For right now, he just wanted everyone to get in and chat for a bit. He looked down as he felt a pair of small hands tugging on his.

    “Daddy? When do we open presents?”

    Eric smiled as he bent and picked up his son. “You’ll just have to be patient, Dylan. Don’t worry, we will be having present time. Why don’t you go see if Auntie is here yet?”

    “But she’s already here, look.” The four-year-old pointed as Jasmine entered carrying Siela with Zerith walking a short way behind them. “Hi, Auntie!” he called out as he waved and Eric set him back down. The little boy hurried over and wrapped his arms around Jasmine.

    Jasmine smiled and returned his hug one-handedly. “Hello, Dylan. Are you having a good time.”

    “I guess, can’t open presents yet though. Daddy said so.”

    Jasmine laughed, “Don’t worry, Sweetie. Your presents aren’t going anywhere.”

    Eric had come up to them by that time and neatly retrieved his niece from Jasmine’s arms. The tiny princess laughed at her uncle’s silly faces as he held her. Jasmine laughed as well, chatting with Eric for a few minutes before slipping away to find Melody.

    An hour or so later, the ball was in full swing. Jasmine watched fondly as Zerith ‘danced’ with Siela. He held her hands as he stood her on his feet and moved carefully. As the song ended, the proud daddy picked his daughter up and kissed her cheek. She giggled at him then yawned. Jasmine slipped up beside them wrapping an around Zerith.

    “Looks like someone is ready for bed,” she said with a smile as Siela laid her head down against Zerith’s chest. “Nancy can take her for us. She’s already herding Dylan that way.” Zerith nodded and the two parents walked over to where Nancy was trying in vain to convince Dylan that he really was tired. The boy was yawning and his eyelids were heavy, but he still refused to admit to being sleepy. Seeing the couple coming with Siela gave Nancy an idea.

    “Well, I know you’re not sleepy, Dylan, but Siela is. Do you think you can help me put her to bed?”

    Dylan’s eye lit up briefly, he loved doing anything with Siela. “Yeah, I think so. Can we read her a bedtime story?”

    “Certainly,” Nancy told him as she took the dozy little one from Zerith. “Good night, Lady Jasmine, good night, Lord Zerith.”

    Dylan looked up at his aunt and uncle and gave them both quick hugs. “I’m going to help Nancy put Siela to sleep,” he told them proudly. Jasmine bent and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead.

    “Make sure you do exactly what Nancy tells you to then. Otherwise Siela might wake up again. Good night, Sweetie.”

    The little boy nodded and hurried off to ‘help’ Nancy put Siela to bed. Jasmine watched as they moved down the hall and pulled Zerith’s arms around herself. “Mmm … now we have the rest of the evening to ourselves, love.”

    Zerith smiled as he led back through the ballroom and out into the gardens. He had a special surprise for his wife. “Come, let’s go outside for a bit.” He led her to small area of the garden that was closed off by hedges for a more private space. “Close your eyes.”

    “Zerith, what are – “

    “Just close them, please?” he asked again, only leading her further when he was sure she was not peeking. Slowly, he led her into the small space. Their feet crunched softly as they walked to the center. “Okay, you can open them now.”

    The princess opened her eyes then gasped lightly. The crunching she’d heard and felt was fresh fallen snow. A good inch or two of the pure white snow gleamed in the light of the moon, covering the few decorative statues in this area and dusting the hedges around them. “How did you…?”

    “Very skilled weather mages,” he cut in smiling widely as he took her hands. The music from the ballroom drifted down to them softly. “It’s only for this section, and it will all melt tomorrow. But for tonight a winter wonderland just for us.”

    Jasmine smiled as she stepped into her husband’s arms and they began to dance beneath the moonlight. As they moved slowly around the garden, Zerith led the way beneath an arch, at the center of which hung a small sprig of leaves and berries. He paused under it and looked deep into Jasmine’s blue eyes.

    “I love you, Jasmine, Happy Feast Day.”

    “I love you too, Zerith,” she rose up on her toes and kissed him softly. “Happy Feast Day to you, too.”

    Smiling softly, the young couple resumed their kiss as they enjoyed the moment for all that it was worth.
    Last edited by Jasmine; 12-27-10 at 02:54 AM.

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