We don't use a basic tier listing anymore (as in particular items are a particular tier), but we still use relative strengths in calculating prices. Thus, instead of asking for a material of a particular tier, you'd have to ask for the material itself. Here is a list of all our basic materials, ordered from weakest to strongest:


1. Iron
2. Steel
3. Plynt
4. Damascus
5. Dehlar
6. Delyn
7. Titanium
8. Mythril
9. Prevalida
10. Osmium
11. Black Diamond
12. Adamantine*
13. Icemold*


1. Oak
2. Yew
3. Cyper
4. Trakym
5. Eklan
6. Akashima Redwood
7. Rywan
8. Talymer
9. Ulder
10. Liviol
11. Root Walker Husk*


1. Hide
2. Pelt
3. Leather
4. Magim Beast Hide/Leather
5. Arctic Hide
6. Arctic Pelt
7. Arctic Leather
8. Gorian'fel Hide*
9. Drakescale
10. Young Dragonscale
11. Sea Serpent Scale
12. Haidian Demonhide*
13. Ancient Dragonscale*


1. Chitin
2. Carapace
3. Bone
4. Golem Hide
5. Cartilage
6. Golem Carapace
7. Petrified Bone
8. Young Dragonbone
9. Young Dragonhorn
10. Ancient Dragonbone*
11. Ancient Dragonhorn*


1. Burlap
2. Linen
3. Denim
4. Wool
5. Canvas
6. Spidersilk
7. Hair Weave
8. Sifan Cloth
9. Vlince
10. Njalian Spidersilk*


1. Calli
2. Cillu
3. Mukakkannati
4. Valaiyalman
5. Kiramaini*

*Denotes that the material cannot be purchased in the bazaar.

Check back often as player submitted materials will be added to this list upon review by the administration.