I'm looking for one or two people to join me in this quest. My goal: discovering that my creditor actually arranged for Peabody's default on his loan, sticking it to said creditor, and re-negotiating the terms on more suitable grounds.

I'm looking ideally for someone who would be coming 'round Peabody's place to work a job for this creditor -- namely, roughing up the man as a lesson to others -- who is, while working a rough job, still good-hearted enough to recognize that Peabody's been done wrong when I reveal that Peabody was cheated.

Others could join in as you have a suggestion, but it might be more a "come in as a cameo" kind of thing, as there will be a sequence in the quest where Peabody will be hitting the streets as a gumshoe, digging up dirt on Sellings to bring down his reputation.

I would prefer folks that can post at least once every two to three days or so. Let me know if you're interested.