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Thread: Hunting Makai...(Open to All)

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  1. #21
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    ~Humphrey_Nonyton~'s Avatar

    Humphrey Nonyton
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    Hunter/Makai Slayer/Spirit Warder

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    (Conclusion post)

    Humphrey's body was easily manipulated by Christina. Ace's words would have to wait for another hour, another day. Surely, if Humphrey would have heard those words, he would have taken the fellow up on his offer. Without much to say, the kitsune was taken to Underwood, and, to safety. The mission had proven to be a success. At the gates of the town, Humphrey was met with several guards who recognized the honourable kitsune exorcist. They thanked Christine and took the body of Humphrey into their custody to be returned to the church. There, after several weeks of recovery, Humphrey opened his eyes at last.

    He found himself in a bed in the cathedral with the watchful eye of Father Kadmus. Humphrey looked into the honey-hued eyes of the elderly human. He was of stocky physique clearly from Yarborough District origin. Humphrey felt weak from so much slumbering. Father Kadmus ordered one of the nearby hand-maidens to assist Humphrey into a seating position. Humphrey growled softly. He noticed the tightness of his breathing, his ribs were bandaged up with heavily reinforced medical tape. Humphrey felt the extent of his injuries, both external and internal. He had suffered a great deal more than he had realized when the Ogre had struck him.

    "The Cathedral has confirmed that the creature was exorcised." Father Kadmus began. "You have earned your reward well. That fellow that you teamed up with, Zack, I believe his name was? He came by a few weeks earlier to collect a reward. We offered him one. He seemed pleased. The other fellow, Ace, kept asking for lessons. We figured it would be best if we waited until you were awake once more to confirm or deny his requests at tutelage in our arts." Then, Father Kadmus's face became quite serious. "You have done this town a great service, young one." Kadmus said. "You have earned your rest. The Ogre is not a beast many would face on their own ground."

    "Master Kadmus..." Humphrey said, still, pain reared its ugly face. "The possessed a strength and endurance that was uncanny. It smelled not of this plane." Humphrey struggled against the pain he felt. "It felt like it was from...the other world. Haidia." Humphrey remembered reading about the alternate realm in the teachings of his people. He did not like the implications of what he was saying.

    Father Kadmus' expression became more severe. "There hasn't been any activity from Haidia in many years. Since Salvar crushed the demon-folk..." Kadmus suddenly reacted as if he were stabbed in the back. " is possible that the event could have been government propaganda from them and the true enemy has been in hiding." Kadmus said. "Salvar can not be trusted." Father Kadmus tapped his broad chin. "We must prepare in secrecy for what is coming. The Empire will not readily ally themselves to Underwood. We are alone and without hope for reinforcement." Father Kadmus said carefully. "But you, young one, you possess the torch that will light a brighter tomorrow. There is always hope." Father Kadmus smiled for a few moments. "Rest now." He placed a hand upon the kitsune's forehead who immediately relaxed.

    "Master Kadmus..." Humphrey said carefully. Humphrey knew his place, but he still had earned himself a valuable item. "The object I was promised, have I earned it?" Humphrey asked, trying not to step on any toes or offend.

    "In spades, Acolyte Nonyton. Along with another matter. It will be waiting for you when you fully recover."


    The hour arrived when Humphrey's strength finally returned in full. To survive such a blow from the Makai, Humphrey was either very brave or very stupid. Either way, Humphrey was dressing himself on the day that he recovered. A nurse-maid approached Acolyte Humphrey with some food and drink, his first meal in ages. Humphrey was starving. Humphrey saw a small chest in his room that had a noticed addressed to him. Father Kadmus's reward from the cathedral. Humphrey did not care for the pagan deities that the folks in the cathedral worshiped, for he had his own deity. However, that was not important. What was important was that they were all devoted to the causes of the devout and pure. Humphrey opened the chest and could not help but smile when he saw the glowing contents inside.

    Inside was the object he was promised. It was a small stone that a passing Akashiman left in Underwood about a century ago. It had finally returned to Akashiman hands. Humphrey knew there were many such objects hidden throughout the lands of Althanas. He felt compelled to collect which ever ones he could find. Hidden with the contents of the chest was also a small pouch, and a small scabbard that contained a ceremonial athame. (Dagger) The dagger would be useful for ritualistic workings. The acolyte also found a book in the chest. These items would all be useful to a man of the cloth as he was.

    Though he did not follow the pagan deities of Corone, Humphrey was a man of the cloth none-the-less. His service to The Incarnate, would be remembered. Humphrey took a small parcel from the chest, sealed with the symbol of Father Kadmus, and began to read the letter quietly. Contained within the parcel, was Humphrey's next set of instructions in servitude to the cathedral. After all, Althanas was in an age of darkness, and many creatures lurked in the shadows. The Makai were only one face of the great evil. Humphrey held the stone in his hand as he read the letter from Father Kadmus. It was an invitation from Father Kadmus to join the ranks of Underwood's elite Demon Slayers...

    Remember Father Kadmus's words about Ace, Humphrey went to go seek Ace out if he was still present on the cathedral grounds.


    Spoils Request---

    001-Church Payment-A job well done. Humphrey has earned a small payment of 300 gold pieces for his services to the Church of Underwood.

    002-Gold Athame-An ornate cathedral dagger. This dagger is very beautiful and has a small, three inch gold blade. It is double-edged and typically not used for combat, but, ritualistic purposes. The small scabbard is equally decorated. Symbols favored by the cathedral of Underwood are etched upon both blade and scabbard. Neither possess any special powers. The dagger is very valuable and cannot be sold. It is a ranking mechanism given to members of the cathedral at the lowest rank.

    003-Book of Cathedral Law-A small book that has the precepts, code of conducts, prayers, psalms and other written works necessary to an acolyte of the church. This book is a recently printed volume. It is a modern incarnation of the old pagan worshiping druids of Concordia Forest. The book, by itself, contains no power. It is simply a daily reminder for the followers of the cloth.

    004-Soul Stone-A mysterious object. It is a small, red stone that contains a mysterious power. When used, it can suck the soul of a fallen Makai, that has been properly exorcised into it's structure for future use. The owner of the stone may apply his alchemy skills to use the soul of the Makai in his constructions. However, the use will be limited to an Acolyte to one soul per item forging. The applications are numerous and vast. (Note for use with Humphrey's Alchemy skills)
    Last edited by ~Humphrey_Nonyton~; 02-08-11 at 10:27 PM.

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