My solo quest, Alix & Esme is set in Raiaera. The shiznit's hitting the fan right now, but I have some details that I need help with before I get to those specific areas in question. I pride myself on canonical accuracy during my quests, so any information is sooooooooo much appreciated.

  1. How big is this Raiaera, and how long should it take (on horseback) to travel from one side (Anebrilith) to the other (Mountains of Twilight)? The Almanac says that Alerar is roughly the size of Brazil, and every world map I've seen has Raiaera noticably bigger, but not by much.
  2. What EXACTLY happened to Eluriand? Not only am I asking this because of the quest, but because of a possible future endeavor *wink, wink* If the damn thing just up and disappeared then I'm just going to go ahead and make something up, but since I haven't done any brainstorming on it I don't think it would be a wise idea lol.
  3. I know the Great Necromancer is dead, but I also know that his forces are still around. Where in Raiaera are they, and where are Alerar's forces as well?
  4. Who the hell is running the show in Raiaera right now? I kind of assumed it was more so chaos than anything else, but is there anyone trying to establish an order of some sort at the moment?

The more info the better, guys. And if there's a place I can find all of this info just slap me in the face and point me in the right direction. Help a broham out.