What is your character's next goal?
Zerith's next goal is to fulfill his role in that so called prophecy of Sei's Ixian Knights and to help the mute build and lead an army to win the Mystic War. After that, Z's next goal would probably be to go back home and focus on his family.

What internal issues does your character have? Does he have any prejudices, phobias, or personality disorders?
At the moment Z's biggest fear is that he'll live in Jasmine's shadow for the rest of his life. He's positive there are people who think he's only considered nobility because of his marriage to her, and although he may call Moriah home he's still just a human while the majority of the population are half-elf.

He's also struggling to accept the fact that since Jasmine herself is a half-elf,
he'll age much faster than she will.

Which region is your character's favorite?
If not Moriah (other regions), then Corone as it's the next place he frequents.

Which region is your character's least favorite?
Fallien. Hot desert and armor don't mix well.

What great conflict or mystery in Althanas would you like to solve?
Exactly what was the world that the Thaynes created before Althanas like?

What about In-Character Althanas would you like to change or improve? (Do not take this question the wrong way. Find something that your character may be able to do about Althanas that would change it for the better, and don't find something to fucking complain about.)
Zerith thinks Althanas would be better as a whole if N'jal was taken out of the picture.

But being more realistic, Zerith would like Moriah to expand. Build a few more cities, trade exports with Corone, Scara Brae and other nations and basically climb out from beneath it's shell and become more known throughout the world.

Does your character have any major regrets?
Zerith regrets being unable to intervene when his best friend, Zevernus, gave up his life to save Jasmine. In Zerith's mind, he should have been able to do something to stop it.

He also regrets ever being part of the Grander's Order.

Have you had any plans with your character that you decided to scrap? If so what were they?
At one point, I had planned for Zerith to become something similar to what Lorenor is with N'jal, but with Draconus instead. I also had him originally follow V'dralla specifically.

Every one has secrets, so don't bullshit this following question. What is your character's biggest secret?
Zerith has a couple secrets...

On the rare occasion, he questions if he made a wise decision marrying Jasmine. He shrugs it off, believing that all married people feel like that every now and then.

He also think he would make a much better King than his brother-in-law ever could. While he thinks Eric is busy just keeping Moriah the same as always, Z dreams that if he ever wore the crown, it wouldn't be long until he put Moriah on the map.

How are your recurring NPC's affecting your PC's life?
Ever though he's dead, Zevernus has left a big hole in Zerith's life. It's taking time for it to be filled again, as the halberdier wasn't sure if he would meet anyone he could consider a friend as good as the one he had before. Eric on the other hand is a voice of logic to Z. While they are becoming more and more close because they're family, there was a bit of reluctance on both parts.