((Thank you, if I need to revise anything just let me know.))

"...You're in my room...If you don't mind.... leave.” The woman looked annoyed, and her insistence upon Rhelin leaving was imperious, especially in the way that she stood with her arms folded like someone of importance. Perhaps that's why he made no move to acquiesce in the face of her demands, that and she made no attempt at saying please, or allow him to get a word in edge-wise.

A simple please goes a long way.

In truth, he didn't feel like debating, nor did he feel like leaving at that moment, it was getting late. The fact t hat she didn't say please really did bother him. So much so the at Rhelin could feel his own annoyed gestures filtering through the otherwise diplomatic expression on his ebony face.

"Listen, the e hour grows late, and it's going to be an early morning for both of us. We'll settle this tomorrow, I assure you, but for now all I want to do is sleep. I'll sleep on the floor."

He knelt down to grab his bag that apparently was in the way of her majesty's feet, not letting his eyes leave her in case she wished to challenge him, and she seemed the sort that would. Without any further word he tossed his bag next the wall furthest from the bed, fluffing it as best he could to serve as a pillow. Unfolding his bedroll, he took a moment to look over his shoulder at the woman, partially to gage her intentions, but also to disarm the tension that filled the room.

In a half-jokingly way, he smiled to her, "don't worry, you're not my flavor," he said, drawing attention to his skin tone by rubbing his wrist with a finger.