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  1. #1
    Sword _of _the_Quazar's Avatar

    Sword of the Quazar
    Living Sword
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    4' 4 lbs

    The Living Sword

    Name: The Sword of the Quazar
    Age: Immortal
    Race: Living Sword
    Height: 4’
    Weight: 4 lbs

    Personality: The Sword of the Quazar is basically a witty teenager who thinks of battle as something to play at and have fun with. He loves his redundant sayings and will repeat them simply to annoy whomever is wielding him.

    Appearance: The Sword of the Quazar is a four foot long sword of extraordinary make. Made of Impregnable Silver it shall never grow dull or lose its sheen or luster. The cross guard is made of the same material with small diamonds anointing either end of the guard. The hilt of the sword is wire wrapped of course made of the same silver and the pommel is a large clear diamond held in place with silver facets. The diamonds can never be removed from the sword and are as much a part of it as a persons heart or brain is.

    The Sword of the Quazar is indeed a living sword and therefore knows everything about swordplay because of its life through the ages and living through so many champions who have wielded it. It can perform all of its swordsmanship while within the grasp of the current wielder (essentially teaching the wielder as it goes) or fight of its own accord.

    The Sword of the Quazar is a teaching tool and as such can only be wielded by beings who are of equal or lesser level then itself.

    Weakness of the blade. The Sword of the Quazar can be damaged just like any other charicter. Any nicks dings or scratches aact upon it as a cut would to a human. to bend it would be like breaking several bones of a human. To shatter the blade would be like knocking it into a coma. Shatter the diamond in the pommel is to kill the sword. Obviously it being a sword it cannot heal itself. It must be repaired by a master silversmith or master bladesmith to be repaired properly.


    Fight of the Sword: The Sword of the Quazar can lift itself and fly about to fight on its own and has no true need of a wielder in order to fight. However, it cannot travel more then 100 ft from the currant wielder of the sword otherwise this ability will fail itself. It its movements it can deliver blows which are twice as strong as an average person.

    Makes me Stronger: Anything in the way of fire gets absorbed by The Sword of the Quazar. Anything that gets absorbed may be in turn release upon striking an opponent. (think Sword of Gryffindor from Harry Potter) So if The Sword of the Quazar blocks a fireball it may release a fireball on ANY of its successive strikes upon its choice. The Sword of the Quazar may only take in any one thing that makes it stronger at a time and must release it before absorbing the next. This ability may only be used twice per thread and may not be activated by the wielder of the sword only by the sword itself. Right now The Sword of the Quazar can only absorb a moderate amount of flame in any form.

    Teleportation: The Sword of the Quazar may teleport itself back into its scabbard or hand of the wielder as it so chooses. Upon the true death of the caster or upon mutual agreed departure it will go back to the temple where it shall await another wielder.

    Equipment: It’s. A. Sword. With. Three. Diamonds?

    History: The Sword of the Quazar was forged in the time before time created by a masterful demon who used Living Silver to bind the soul of itself to the sword. When the body of the demon known as Quazar died its soul passed into the sword and has resided there ever since.

    There have been scores of champions who have all wielded The Sword of the Quazar and with each wielder it has gained more and more knowledge of the world around and of swordplay itself. With each passing champion its skill has ever grown from learning the forms and knowledge from the wielder.

    For the last 500 years The Sword of the Quazar has resided in its temple waiting for the next worthy champion. It has grown longing to taste flesh again and has sent out signals to the next batch of worthy champions drawing them ever nearer to it.
    Last edited by Sword _of _the_Quazar; 06-14-11 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Please note i more clearly defined its weaknesses

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