LVL 9 Updates and Additions in gold!

Level 8 Profile

Author's Notes: I've reworked a good deal of Teric's profile to cut down the word count and make it easier to glance over. Also note that I have avoided highlighting items that were reworded, but remained the same in terms of "level". I've reserved highlighting for specific skills and abilities that have been added/upgraded.

Major Changes:

-Split "Waterdancing" up into two sections (Sword & Shield, Speed & Dexterity). The "level" of the skills involved are identical to LVL 8, but they are no longer clumped together.
-Reduced the overall potency of "Devastating Strike" by removing the concussive blast.
-Reduced the overall potency of "Flashbang" by removing the shockwave.
-Modified "Dense Skeleton" to use a multiplier-based strength system (2x, 3x, etc stronger than normal bone), as opposed to comparative (strong as... iron, steel, etc). The previous value was "Titanium", which has a tensile strength approximately 3x greater than that of bone. This change was made to alleviate confusion. The tendancy is for people to RP "titanium" as being ludicriously strong compared to human bone, leading to a misrepresentation of just how strong Teric's bones actually are.
Biographical Information:

Name: Teric 'Bloodrose' Barton
Age: 54
Race: Human
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 183 lbs


Stoic and reserved, Teric has purposefully cultivated a reputation as a professional. Amiable enough to remain polite, but prone to being curt with recent or casual acquaintances, the mercenary's stoicism is frequently misinterpreted as being haughty. Attributing to this misinterpretation, of course, is the fact that when he does open up to people, they will find Teric's sense of humor to be excessively dry, bordering on sarcastic.

On the battlefield, the mercenary is strikingly confident - almost frighteningly so. Exuding an aura of authority that comes only with age and is tempered heavily by experience, Teric has an almost preternatural ability to inspire his allies while damaging the morale of his enemies.

Physical Description:

In much the same way that he deliberately promotes a certain persona, Teric strives to keep his appearance in line with a certain image. The mercenary maintains a conservative wardrobe of shirts, vests, and knickerbockers - reminiscent of Salvan nobility - in muted shades of black and red. In terms of personal hygiene, Teric keeps his hair trimmed short, his beard neatly groomed, and his skin and odor clean as much as possible. All in all, each facet of his appearance is tailored to draw as little undue attention as possible.

Try as he might, however, there are certain aspects about himself that Teric can do little to disguise. If given anything more than a cursory glance, his straight back and muscular frame will betray a level of fitness rarely seen in men Teric's age. Keen observers may also notice the way in which the mercenary carries himself; muscles tensed and ready to act at a second's notice.

Also unavoidable, anyone would be hard pressed to miss the blade hanging constantly at the mercenary's hip.

Abilities: (Passive)

Sword & Shield

Teric employs a fighting style heavily rooted in light-armed combat, relying most heavily on light swords (sabers, rapiers, etc) and light shields (bucklers, round shields, etc). Having mastered the use of these things, Teric is now able to use each more as an extension of his body, rather than as a tool. The respect others have for Teric's ability with his chosen weapons has garnered the mercenary near Legendary status among his peers.

Speed & Dexterity

His particular style of armed combat (focusing heavily on light arms and armor) has encouraged Teric to focus heavily on his speed and agility. As a result of his intensive focus in these areas, Teric is now approximately 5x faster than the average warrior. Teric can also comfortably evade normal attacks delivered by people of advanced skill. This is to say that an advanced swordsman could expect to have a difficult time striking Teric, while a master swordsman would not have the same level of difficulty.

Limitations: Teric cannot wear heavy armors or heft large weapons without suffering a massive penalty to his speed and dexterity.

Physical Conditioning

For all intensive purposes, Teric possesses the body of a man not even half his age. Rigorous training and a knack for finding himself in physically violent situations have toned and shaped the warrior's body into top form. This level of fitness affords Teric the ability to strenuously exert himself for long periods of time and to lift, carry, or throw up to 6x his body weight fair distances. This superior level of strength lends itself passively to Teric's sword attacks as well, making it more difficult for physically weaker opponents to parry his blows.

His strength allows Teric to cleave through light armors (Leather strength or below) with relative ease, assuming that he wields a weapon strong enough to deliver such a blow.

Dense Skeleton

Hundreds and thousands of micro-fractures have, over the years, increased the strength and density of Teric's bones. By virtue of this phenomenon, his bones are now roughly 3x strong than normal human bone. This makes Teric's bones more difficult to break, and it also makes it more difficult to damage vital organs protected by the skeleton. For example, a blow powerful enough to give the average fighter a concussion would likely be shrugged off by Teric without difficulty, and it would be far more difficult to knock the wind out of his body with a blow to the ribs.

The disadvantage of this skeletal metamorphosis is that it also makes Teric's bones brittle as well. When they do break, they break badly rather than just fracture.

Veteran's Aura

Teric seems to exude an air of confidence and strength capable of unnerving even the most stalwart opponents. This aura that seems to follow Teric wherever he goes has a subtle, subconcious effect on those around him, diminishing the morale of his opponents. Individuals fighting Teric in battle will find that this lowered morale reduces the effectiveness of their attacks on Teric's mind or body. Magical spells, since they often require a strong mind, are especially reduced in potency.

Opponents LVL 0 - 3 : -30% Spell Potency / -10% Danger from Physical Attacks
Opponents LVL 4 - 6 : -15% Spell Potency / -5% Danger from Physical Attacks
Opponents LVL 7+ : No Modifier

Abilities: (Non-Passive)


Teric whips the blade of his weapon through the air at such a speed that it rends the air for several meters in an arc, following the trail of the blade. Rather strangely, the technique also creates a second arc that travels perpendicular to the first, forming the shape of an X. The effectiveness of this technique is directly tied to the range at which it is used, and the effectiveness drops exponentially the farther away Teric is from his target.

Between 0 - 10 feet the arc can deal damage equaly to that of a Mythril blade. The force of the blow can pierce Titanium.
Between 10 - 21 feet the arc loses its cutting edge, but retains enough blunt force to dent Delyn.
Between 21 - 32 feet the arc will begin to dissipate, and the target will feel a strong gust of wind blow past them. This wind gust is powerful enough to disrupt the trajectory of projectiles in flight.
After 32 feet the arc is completely dissipated.

Teric can use this ability up to 4 times per thread.

Devastating Strike:

Utilizing his speed and strength to their fullest, Teric has found that he can deliver individual blows with tremendous power. Given a decent amount of time to prepare the strike and focus on his target (he cannot simply perform this feat whenever, like when parrying), Teric can deliver a blow with such tremendous force that it can easily snap through objects made of Delyn or a weaker material (assuming he wields a weapon capable of delivering such a blow without breaking).

A Player's permission would be required to break any object owned by a PC.
Quick Step:

While already significantly faster than the average fighter, Teric has found that he can greatly increase his movement speed by focusing his will to do so. The result is something akin to a teleportation spell - meaning that Teric can propel himself in a given direction so fast as to appear to vanish and reappear somewhere else. Movement in such a manner is restricted to straight lines on flat, horizontal planes, and Teric must have a clear path to travel along. Unlike a teleportation spell, the veteran's body actually travels physically from Point A to Point B, and he will collide with anything that intercepts his path of travel.

At this moment Teric can travel 20 or less feet using this skill, and he no longer has to focus on stopping to prevent falling over as a result of his extra momentum. While having practiced enough to utilize this feat at a second's notice, Teric cannot string multiple 'quick steps' together, nor can he perform the feat more than 3 times per thread without exhausting himself.


A shock-and-awe tactic using a low-level fire cantrip. It is essentially a fireball spell minus the fireball, and allows Teric to quickly conjure up a flash of bright light accompanied by a loud banging noise as the magics normally used to condense the fireball rapidly expand and escape Teric's palm.

Anyone looking directly at Teric at the time of casting is subject to the blinding influences of the flashbang. Teric can use this ability 2 times per thread, and needs to close his eyes when casting to prevent blinding himself.

Whether or not PC's are affected by the light or sound is entirely up to them. Can be cast instantly.

Mythril Haubergeon: A short-sleeved chainmail shirt crafted from Mythril. The light weight and incredible strength of the material it is crafted from make this armor extremely versatile, as well as valuable. [Acquired here]

Mythril Fencing Sword w/Prevalida Basket Hilt: A Mythril fencing saber with a Prevalida Basket Hilt. It is an extemely durable and capable weapon. [Acquired here]

Uncanny Satchel: A non-descript brown satchel bag, complete with shoulder strap. It is constructed of burlap with leather reinforcing the edges, and is closed with a simple steel clasp. The bag would be completely unremarkable if it were not for the enchantment placed upon it. The enchantment allows the Uncanny Satchel to carry up to five times the normal volume such a bag should be able to carry, and has the added effect of reducing the weight of items contained within it. The bag cannot stetch to accomodate larger items, however, and only items that would normal fit into the satchel can be placed inside. [Acquired here]

Eklan Buckler: A small, rounded buckler crafted of Eklan. It is of average quality, and slightly used. [Acquired here]

Plynt Dagger: A dirk-like, guardless plynt dagger with leather bound handle that Teric stole from a Quan merchant when visiting the Docks in Scara Brae. It is of average quality, and he typically keeps the blade tucked into his boot. [Acquired here]

Enchanted Boots: Iron-shod black leather boots with iron plates across the three buckles in front, protecting the shin up to the knee. The boots are specifically designed for Teric to hug his feet, ankles, shins, and calf muscles like a second skin. This helps support his lower leg, and prevents him from spraining or twisting his ankles. The boots are also enchanted so as to maintain traction on any solid surface, allowing Teric to - for example - run across ice as easily as he might run across dirt. [Acquired here]

Clothing: A deliberate selection of black and red clothing that almost completely conceal the decades of aging scar tissue that mar his skin. Black vlince breeches, a red vlince shirt with black vest, a heavy black leather belt, and underclothes.

Red Ribbon: A simple, foot-long ribbon made of red silk. A trophy of sorts, and one that Teric has taken to wearing tied around his left bicep for good-luck.

The "Magicide Blade": An enchanted, masterwork Dehlar longsword that can completely nullify any magic it touches. [Acquired here]

Restriction: The Magicide blade can only be used in threads involving other PC's with the express permission of all thread participants. Meaning that if I want to use the weapon in a battle or non-solo endeavor, I must ask my opponents/fellows for their consent before using it.

I removed this to clean things up while the "Spoiler" tags aren't working correctly, and because I'm trying to condense the sprawling history into a short, easy to read version. Anyone really interested in knowing some Teric backstory at this point can feel free to contact me.

NPC: Milo

"Milo" is a larger mixbreed of Drave and Coyote heritage. He stands about thigh-high at the shoulder, and is easily identified as a fairly unremarkable canine.

Related Items:

Collar of Empathy: A black leather dog collar complete with silver pyramid studs. From the size of the collar, it is obviously intended to be worn by larger breeds. There is an enchantment on the collar that creates a mild empathetic link between an animal and its master. This link enables the animal to understand given commands without prior training, and allows the master to 'feel' what the animal feels on a minor level. [Aquired here]

The "Pet Store Package": A large tin food bowl, green and white cotton collar, and a cotton leash approximately 6 feet in length.