It was a bright and pleasant day, The sun shone down onto the town of Underwood and The sky's were a clear blue, the winds were gentle as they had been for the whole day but things would be changing quickly. In the distance over a forest dark clouds filled the horizon, making there way towards the the town with ravishing winds, but it was hours from now. There was a long dirt path leading into Underwood, heading down its winding lanes were two people, A small, female figure who had on a hooded travelling cloak, and a tall, auburn haired man with mismatching eyes, pale skin and dressed all in a dark brown with two silver bracelets on each wrist. He walked lightly behind the smaller figure, taking slow lumbering steps in order to maintain the same pace behind her, the two were tired, it had been a long trip to get here from there last location and were travelling light the man carrying only a small sack over his shoulder that looked to be almost empty." 'Old it there you two." came a voice from behind a tree.

"It woulds be an 'orrible thing i' one of you were to ger 'urt now wouldunt it." said another voice from the other side of the path, it was younger and had a slight shake too it, as if it was scared. The two figures on the path stopped and both looked around for the source of the voices, the man stepping forward protectively, lowering the bag from his shoulder without a word. From behind the trees stepped two dirty looking men in dark brown ragged leather clothes, there skin dark with muck and oil. The shorter but obviously older of the two with deep wrinkles and black teeth curled his lip as he took a great snort and then spat onto the floor. Pulling out a rusty sword as he did. The other could hardly have been a teenager and only had a broken dagger on him that he gripped tightly.

"You see, the thing is... I'm runnin' a little low on money right now so I'm gonna 'ave to ask you to give me everythin' yous got on you." the older one said starting to approach the two with his sword pointed towards the man, looking him up and down raising a bushy brow. As the man started to reach a hand into the bag the old bandit quickly stepped forward and pointed the tip of the sword an inch from his chest. "Careful now lad, don't be causin' any trouble... its not just me and the boy you 'ave to deal with. 'and over the coin purse and you can be on yer way." He snorted again but this time it lead into what could only be assumed was a laugh made up of pained grunts. The tall, pale skinned man did as he was told removing his hand from the bag and going to the coin purse attached to the belt on his waist. He undid the knot with one hand and then threw it to the boy when gestured by the old man in charge. "Go on, be on yer way and thank ye for such a kind 'donation' " he said backing away slowly, the boy already retreated through the trees and out of sight as the old bandit waved with his sword to have them keep moving.

It was some time later that the two arrived in the town of Underwood the two had remained silent for the duration of the journey, they had not bothered the woman so they still had some money to use. The two entered a tavern that was fairly small and empty making it quiet and it was then that the man spoke. "If it would be ok, I would like to retrieve my coin purse tonight, before they have a chance to use too much of it, Mistress." He said softly, keeping his blue and green eyes on the floor, his expression trying to remain passive but struggling, lines crossing his forehead in worry fear of retribution, deciding to add to his request." they are just petty cut throats mistress, and I am sure that they will have stolen from others too its possible that you will gain from this..." he let his voice trail of into the silence of the small and almost vacant tavern