So I just finished watching the Dr. Who episode 'The Wedding of River song and....


What the hell? I mean, I can buy almost everything in that episode that happened. However, I have to ask how exactly did the Doctor suit attempt to regenerate like the genuine article? If it were that easy to synthesize time lords, shouldn't we have more than the Doctor, River, Donna, and the Doctors daughter from that one episode (remember, she's still off 'having adventures') running around? Can one of you whacky UKers please explain this to me? Was this just an error, a plothole overlooked, or did they refer to it and I just not catch it? Please help!

Also, don't click that spoiler tag unless you want the season finale of the latest Dr. Who series spoiled.

While we're here, we can make this a Dr. Who topic.

Daleks or Cybamen? I think Cybamen.