First off, let's copy paste what I have written on my wiki page.

"Raised by a family of wild guinea pigs in the uncharted wilderness of Manchester, Big McLargeHuge (real name: Lance Corporal Big Ermintrude Godzilla Fluffytrousers Jim-Bob Foxxy Beefchest "The Man with a Plan" McLargeHuge) is a supervillain in training who enjoys jumping off tall buildings for fun and has a large resume of skills which he can't name, mostly because they don't exist. In between taking over the world (OF COURSE!) and jumping off tall buildings, he enjoys Althanas, playing guitar incredibly badly, writing the first few chapters of novels which he never finishes, and repulsing girls by getting within 50 feet of them. He is also painfully aware that creating a census page for a Level 0 character is probably bad form, but wants to get his foot in the door anyway and hopes for a long relationship with Althanas (not that kind, perverts)."

But, seriously...

My name is Big McLargeHuge (at least online, mostly due to extremely paranoid lessons about online safety), and I'm a 17-year-old student who has picked exactly the wrong year to join Althanas because of the huge volumes of homework involved. Still, whatever. Slacking off is fun.

And now, a confession! I actually used to do quite a bit of RP back in the day (that day being 2007), but to be frank, I was bloody hopeless. I was a compulsive godmodder, all my characters were unlikeable dicks that alienated every other character, I couldn't be arsed to read other peoples' posts and thus created my fair share of plot snarls... yeah. I ended up not RPing so much any more. Still, through a combination of realising I'd alienated everyone on the Pendragon fan forums and not being 13 anymore, I'd like to think I've got better. I've an open thread here, if you'd like to judge that for yourself and maybe join in with a newb's roleplay excursions (yeah right):

Shameless plug aside, I look forward to my future RP here!