November Option 2

Oh no! You’re character has no "normal" (for him or her) jobs available and funds are painfully short. You must take up an “ordinary job”. So… how does that work out for you?

Remember, that though you can participate in both options, you can only participate in one option with one character. For example (I’ll use Duffy cause he has so many alts that he uses frequently), Duffy can post with the Duffy and the Ruby and any other accounts he wants in this option, BUT he can NOT use them in the other option for the same month. If you post with the same account in both options, the option that was posted in second will not be eligible for rewards.

As always you have until 12:00am on the last day of the month ALASKA TIME to submit your piece.
(for ease of info because I’m feeling nice as I write this I will calculate the time zones as far out as EST.
At midnight in Alaska, EST = 4am, CST = 3am, MST = 2am, PST = 1am)

Thanks goes to Knave for this suggestion as well!