Welcome to round one of the Vignette Tournament! The following is your prompt:

Your character has lost one of his five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch). Write a story that shows how he/she deals with this loss.

The details are up to you. You can decide which sense to forfeit, whether the loss is permanent, whether it is happening in your vignette or happened in the distant past.

For example, if you decide to lose your vision, complete loss of vision would be the obvious answer. However, perhaps you simply drank a potion that disabled your sight for a limited amount of time. Perhaps you were simply blindfolded. Any of these would be acceptable interpretations of the prompt. So go crazy!

*It is also worth mentioning that the loss need not be part of your character’s canon (although you may certainly include it in your story if you wish). The situation is merely intended to be hypothetical.

Have fun! Remember, the round ends this Friday at 11:59 PM EST.