The time has arrived for Cassandra's Cult of Blessed Torture to strike against the ones who would rather see her dead. A red moon is coming, and on that crimson eve The Cult will attack one of the biggest known names in all of Althanas...

The Ixian Knights

What I am looking for is a group of dedicated writers who can AND WILL post in a timely manner in a scenario of the following design.

Phase one: The Night Begins

In Phase one, Cassandra is going to release a flock of Rapists upon a town near Ixian Castle that is under its protection. These people are going to overwhelm the security in place and run rickshaw through the town doing their thing. When Sei organizes his troops to counter this threat, the next phase begins. (Looking for about 4 to 6 posts of this from Cult and IK members.)

Phase Two: The Knight Falls

In phase two, the Cult attacks the castle directly. It's a two pronged attack. From the outer walls, Concordian giant spiders as well as the mutated Ghouls of the Cult, including one Broken giant, are going to attack the main gate and the giant spiders are going to crawl everywhere. From their backs the anarchists and assassins/warriors/hunters/serial killers will jump and attack running a muk in the castle grounds. From hidden portraits, as well as spots from the caves, the cult will break in from the inside sowing terror.

The idea during this phase is that the Cult is not organizing attacks, but attempting to strike everywhere innocent people are to break the moral as well as break the discipline of the army when they learn their loved ones are being attacked. I plan for this to not be a pleasant experience, so while heroics will be expected, their is going to be A LOT of suffering. (About 6-10 posts of this stuff from both sides, depending on number of people)

Phase Three: The Knight Descends

In phase three, it's Sei's hard hitting counter attack as well as Cassandra's insertion Via a secret route into the castle by a betrayer to the IK. This is when the IK get it together and begin to whip the Cult like red headed step children. It will be brutal and violent in this as battle is truly born. During this time, Sei and Cassandra are playing opposites. Cassandra is looking for something in particular, avoiding Sei at all costs, while Sei is fighting to get to her and take her out.

Phase Four: The Night Lifts

In phase four, Sei and Cassandra will have their showdown while the last major engagements take place. Hero versus super villain, and so forth. Everyone should get their badass moments in. For those who are not Sei and Cass, this is the last posts for you.

Final Phase: The Sun Rises

In the final phase, it's the aftermath. Critical players will get in final posts, followed by Sei and ending with Cassandra.

Now, Sei and I have already discussed this in great length. We both are familiar with what we want to get out of this, and we both agreed it would be boring to do this battle with just our alts. So that's why we are opening it to the public. I don't want too many posters, so I will be screening those who volunteer and picking team IK and team CBT. I think with Sei and I running the show as team captains to motivate and set the pace of the story, it will allow the other players the opportunity to go nuts without fear of stalling up the thread. (In other words, unless otherwise notified, Sei and I would move the plot, you guys just go freaking nuts and kill stuff!)

So there you have it Althanas! Good versus Evil, the first real war with the Ixian Knights! Do you hate them with a passion enough to deal with the Cult to get your teeth bloodied in their flesh? Do you value your loyalties to Sei as a member of his order or value the natural law of order to stop what is clearly chaotic evil? Where will you side? Choose now and we'll go from there. Also, please post ideas you have to make this really kick off well!

And keep it clean people!