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Thread: A Coveted Relic

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  1. #11
    Scars's Avatar

    Ferael Finn.
    Hair Color
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    6'1" / 196lbs.

    “Is there anythin’ happenin’?” Tonas questioned, attempting to peer over the heads of those standing in front of them. “I can’t see shit, Finn.”

    They hadn’t moved from where they had entered the tent, at the back of the crowd. Tonas Grahn had the idea that something special was happening and wanted to stay, against Ferael's wishes. He glanced from one body to the next, his brow twisted in puzzlement. There were so many people here, of so many different races; people of the likes of which Ferael had never seen before. He could not imagine what had brought this vast collection of individuals together, but it probably wasn't for a tea party. Though curiosity urged him to stay and discover what was going on, logic told him it was safer to move on.

    However, he could not.

    Tonas had attempted to move forward through the crowd, and had failed when he’d barged someone from his path, shouting a string of exasperated curses. The human warrior hadn’t fought back, instead just shooting the pirate a poisoned stare as he regained his balance. However, his friend had.

    The man that had stepped up to oppose Tonas Grahn for his unruly behaviour was built, and looked like, a bull. His features more-or-less resembled those of a human, but his hair was white and seemed to grow over the top half of his face as well as on his head. From that messy white mane grew two horns, each about two hand lengths long. His hands, Ferael noticed, were large and taloned, and his eyes were twice the size of a human’s. The most defining feature about the strange protagonist was his height, and that was the thing that worried Ferael the most. He loomed over Tonas, the human only coming to his chest. He cringed when Tonas turned his attention to the behemoth.

    “What?!” the buccaneer shouted, lifting his head to meet the gaze of his challenger. They stood there in silence for countless seconds before Tonas spoke again. “Move, ya dim-witted freak! What’s wrong with ya!”

    The one facing Tonas lifted his right hand and squeezed, his knuckles cracking with a sound alike to the crunching of stones underfoot. He smiled, revealing a full set of huge, yellow-hued teeth, and from his throat was emitted a low growl. It was a clear challenge. Ferael made his way forward with intention to pull Tonas away and end the dispute before his companion was torn limb from limb.

    “Right!” Tonas answered before he could move to restrain him. The real answer came as he jumped, wrapping one hand around one of the huge creature’s horns and pulling him down. Tonas’ rising fist connected fully with the giant’s jaw. As the pirate landed, his opponent stood straight.

    And then toppled.

    Tonas spat upon the fallen body of his colossal enemy, and then stepped over him, wide eyes following him as he disappeared into the crowd. Ferael moved in quick pursuit. Tonas Grahn had gotten lucky. Not every warrior here would fall to his practised punches, though Ferael guessed that Tonas believed so.
    Last edited by Scars; 06-17-06 at 03:33 PM.
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