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Thread: A Leap Forward; Requesting Commentary Thread

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  1. #1
    EXP: 2,975, Level: 2
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    Vigil's Avatar

    Liam Duigenan
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    Pale Green
    5'11''/ 159 lbs.

    A Leap Forward; Requesting Commentary Thread

    This thread is for members of A Leap Forward, the member and community-based free-writing movement to request feedback through peer review from other members. Remember that in ALF affiliated threads you are not to ask for spoils or experience, or to have your threads judged by the Althanas staff using the offical rubric. This is a member-driven effort to provide you with commentary and feedback over your work as desired.

    Those who are providing commentary, remember that you must be an ALF member in order to do so and that any feedback that you provide must be good, positive and constructive. Keep any negative or unwanted comments to yourself, that is not what this organization is for. There is no format with how you provide feedback other then the guidelines just mentioned, but it is suggested you tell the owner of the thread what you thought about their work, what you think could make it, better, etc. There is no rubric to use and we also ask that you do not provide one of your own or attempt to score them. There is no need for that here.

    This thread is meant to post requests for commentary only. If you wish to join A Leap Forward, you can find the recruitment thread here. If you wish to join the discussion, you can find the ALF member discussion thread here. If you are not looking for feedback and are not an ALF member, please do not post in this thread. Thanks.

    If you are looking for feedback, when posting follow this format;

    I'm looking for feedback for my thread that I finished (DATE);

    ALF Member name; List the member name you used to join ALF, especially if you are posting in this thread with an Alt.
    Thread Name;
    Completion Date; (Day/Month (three letters)/year)
    Thread length; Number of posts/ Number of pages (example; 10 posts/1 page).
    Thread Status; In Progress, Requesting Commentary, or Closed and Completed.
    Thread link; Link to thread.
    Synopsis of thread; 2-3 sentences of what your thread is about to prompt readers on what to expect.

    Make sure to keep your information that you post in this thread current, especially thread status so that members can read your threads and know whether or not your thread is still open for commentary. Also be sure to follow this format every time you post for each thread you are requesting commentary for.

    ALF does not guarantee any time or speed at which your thread will be commented on when you are requesting feedback, but if it is a longer thread (2 pages or more), it is reasonable to expect to wait for awhile. If nobody has commented in your thread in a reasonable amount of time after you've requested commentary (over 1 week, 7 days, 168 hours), after the seventh day post in the discussion thread to let members know so they can look at your thread. If they still haven't after the second week, contact me or any other senior member (senior members will be established at a later date). Senior ALF member names can be found below;

    Senior ALF Member Names;
    Last edited by Vigil; 06-01-12 at 06:30 PM.
    "It has fallen upon me, now and again in my sojourns through the world, to ease various evil men of their lives." - Solomon Kane

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