The avenue of smiths was generally considered one of the safer places in Radasanth’s merchant district, owing mostly to the fact that it was hard to make a fast getaway with a heavy lump of forged steel. Even so, William was sure to keep a tight grip on the thick burlap sack slung over his shoulder. He wasn’t the least bit concerned that someone would actually snatch the prize from him if they tried, but any attempt would just delay him in both the gruesome murder of the offendee and the required questioning from the Radasanth City Guard that came after such an incident. Luckily, any ill-mannered folk on the avenue this day either found him to be too imposing a target or else just couldn’t be bothered to make an attempt on a package the size of the one William was carrying.

So it was that William made it through the avenue and into the armory known as the “Solder Joint” without molestation.