Kenneth Stern stirred himself from the trance that he had fallen into while watching the registration for his tournament. There were enough signatures on enough declarations and it was time for things to begin happening. Kenneth approached a magnificent darkwood desk upon which he had lain three objects, the objects that would set things in motion. The first was the Isle of Adventure, and he paused only a moment to pick a sufficiently distant space of open waters before casting the Isle out. Once the Isle had settled into the remote water which Kenneth had chosen, he turned his attention to the second item, the Somnambulant Stone. He closed his eyes as he reached for the stone, picturing all of the participants who had registered for the tournament. With a single twist of the stone, each participant was sent into a deep slumber. This being done, Kenneth reached for the third object, the Reaching Stone, with which he reached out to each of the sleeping participants and whisked them to the shores of the Isle of Adventure, segregated into nine different group.

Having finished, Kenneth returned to his chair and settled down to watch the proceedings. The contestants would be waking at any moment.

Welcome to the Isle of Adventure and Round 1 of the Adventurer's Crown! This thread shall be reserved for discussion of the round and events going on in it.

Some rules:
1. All participants have been separated into one of nine groups. Your characters may know each other or they may not, but they all know that they signed up for the tournament and this is it. They also know that they need to participate together, at least initially (not that a bit of healthy back-stabbing isn't a part of any adventure), if they wish to advance to the next round.
2. While each group will have the same goal and will be faced with the same general challenges, the magic of the Isle of Adventure means that each group will see the Isle and anything on it in a different way. It may appear as a volcanic jungle to one group or a bleached desert to another. Further, the Isle's magic facilitates communication between members who speak different languages so there's no trouble speaking to one another.
3. Post order is determined by you and doesn't need to be constant. The only posting requirement is that each participant needs to post at least once every two days. Anyone not posting within a 48 hour span of the round's start or their last post will be considered to have dropped from the competition (this won't necessarily downgrade their group's score).
4. The round will begin Saturday, August 18th at noon Pacific time (where I am) and will continue for two weeks. Any threads which are finished before then, having successfully completing their task and incorporating the challenges, do not need to worry about the posting limit.
5. If you have any questions, post them in the discussion thread and I'll try to get to them as quickly as possible.

Round 1 Goal:
Your group has just woken up on the beach of the Isle of Adventure. At the center of the island is a structure and your group needs to get there (though not every member has to be accounted for when you've arrived).

Challenge 1: There is some sort of geographical feature that impedes your progress and you have to overcome it.
Challenge 2: A hostile encounter with wildlife.
Challenge 3: The unexpected nature of your arrival means that you're not necessarily as prepared for the tournament as you'd have liked.