I continued to try and make out the image in the distance, my curiosity having the better of me at this point. I took a step forward, only to stop when I heard the crackling of ice from beneath my feet. I looked down at the spider web-like break below me. Carefully, I removed my boot from the not-so-frozen water and back onto the solid land. It was about that time that I heard my name.

I turned, a smile beamed upon my face as I looked at my tam mates, waving towards them. I pointed in the direction of the figure I had just seen, turning my own head to look at it now. I could now make out that the thing was decidedly blue, almost clear. Furthermore, my eyes must have been acting funny earlier, because the figure was now well past the island, on the ice itself. I bit my lower lip, trying to trace a decent path from us to the mystery person.

After all, if they could stand on the ice, than surely most of us could as well. “Hello! Are you well?!” I called out to the person again, still warranting no response. I blinked for a moment, opening my eyes to find that I could now see the thing even better. It was a statue, an ice sculpture of a beautiful woman in a long dress. She had hair flowing down to her shoulders, and the details of her skin were so perfect, one could actually think she was alive.

I stepped forward again, not realizing the folly of my ways until I felt the icy chill of the water soak my foot. I looked down at the sudden cold and removed my boot once more, looking back up to the statue. I could see that the eyes had been chiseled so well that they looked real. The sculptor of this masterpiece must have been absolutely skilled in his craft, for I had never seen anything so beautiful and creepy at the same time.

“You guys got to come over here!” I exclaimed to my team mates, my eyes still on the art work, “This thing is incredible!”